chapter 9

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Narrator's POV :

Royal thai police headquarters was in a buzz unlike other days
Chief Lek stood watching his team getting ready for the big hunt today .. they were going to hunt down the largest underground mafia DZ's boss

Chief Lek has been collecting evidence against dz so he can get rid of the mafia gang for good

he saw one young officer walking up to him ..seeing him lek smiled wildly

" my boy boy you did a great job without you I would have never found out the identity of the dz members...mainly their boss " lek kept talking but the young guy stood silently next to him observing the surrounding he looking gloomy and uncomfortable

Tho the young guy didn't voice out anything Lek read his mind

" you are guilty ah ? An police officer should only feel guilty if he doesnt do his job well ...not for this .." the young guy nodded the other officers reported at the same time

"Ahh the sky is clear today ..let's catch some tiger guys" lek smiled as everyone got into their van .

Beam's POV :

I sat at the center table of the cafe
its been 6 months since me and forth started to be together once again and life has taken a turn ever since ..I got close to marco and jessica ...I enjoy their little fights and small picnics I go out with them and forth and

my new boss ...I kind of like that guy too he is funny and strict at the same time I am not getting that weird vibes any more because of him being the ceo workspace is more lively and important part is forth ...the attention and love he pours on me brings warmth once again to my dull life ...and I feel like I want it to be forever and ever so..

today I've decided finally to ask him to marry me ...why I am rushing it ?
I dont know as time moves faster and faster a strong sense of fear creeps down my heart ... I am scared if I dont hurry this up maybe ...just maybe he will disappear again ..

That's why now I am sited here nervously like never before ... I opened the small white box in my palm ..the two small silver rings shined brightly ..I picked them up specially for today one had the word heart carved on it while the other ring had beat carved on it

I closed the box and sighed.. I called forth to come to the cafe at 5 PM and it's already 4:55 PM...I pulled out my phone to check ..if he texted anything but no nothing

I opened my ig feed and started scrolling to keep myself occupied till he comes

Forth's POV :

I was running little late since I was out of Bangkok when beam called me to come to the cafe ...his voice told me he was excited so rushed back yet I am still a bit late

As I reached the cafe I saw beam sitting inside with a little smile but he seemed lost in thoughts ...I was about to open the door when a voice called out

" Mr.Forth or what should I call you the mysterious leader of DZ?" I turned around

A guy stood just a few steps away from me ..I knew this guy ..he was chief Lek

" not saying anything .." I stood staring at him ..I knew this day would come eventually but ... not here not now not before beam

" Mr.Forth if come with me silently there wont be any commotion here... " I really didnt wanna go with him I turned my head away

" or ..oh isn't that Mr.Beam... poor guy he is been there for a while practicing to ask you to marry him ...what if he knows ?.... knows that the person he loves is a leader of a mafia gang ? ...look my men are sitting right behind him "

" YOU ... dont you dare touch him" I pulled him by his collar my fist almost punching his damn face

" oh oh violence you come with me " he said I didnt talk a work I let him go ...and turned to look at beam who still was looking at a small box in his hand

" I am sorry beam...dont wait for me " was the last thing I could say as I traced his figure through the closed glass door before walking away with Lek

Beam's POV:

It was already 7 PM I am still sitting here .. forth hasn't come yet ... I tried calling him but it was out of network area and my texts hasn't been answered to ...

Forth was never this late ...why today .. the scared feeling slowly is creeping in my heart

The bell in the front of the door to the cafe rang indicating some one came.... I hopefully looked but

" P' beam " jessi stood there she was out of breath like she ran for a long distance her eye was red swollen fresh tears decorated her eyes while her dried tears left mark of her cheeks

She looked at me with a sad eye

'Dont ..say dont say ..' unknowingly I chanted as my hand clutched my chest

" P' forth was shot "

' no'

" He is dead "

Everything was blur for a moment it was like the time froze like all this is gonna reverse back or may be it's all a dream

But soon my vision cleared ..a single drop of tear rolled down my eye

" at the end my fear came to life hasn't it ? " tear drops fell one after the other as I finally lost the strength to stand and fell down on the floor

" I was too late and forth is gone "

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