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You and Kyoko had found many clues in Makoto's dorm, so you decided to split up for a bit to search for more clues Kyoko stayed in the dorm while you searched the incenrator

After carefully avoiding the shattered glass near the control pad you examined it a little 'where would the glass have come from', you thought as you picked up a shard and put it in your pocket. The glass appeared to have come from some sort figurine or maybe a glass ball as some of the pieces still had structure. That's when a piece of fabric caught your eye, you quickly picked it up and began looking over it. It appeared to be the cuff of a shirt and pink blood stain was clearly visible. You quickly pocketed the fabric and got up to leave the room, suddenly Leon entered the room he seemed irritated. As you walked past Leon he bumped into and kept walking. You silently flipped him off and went back to Makoto's dorm.

You reached into your pocket to show Kyoko what you found, but the fabric was gone there was no way it had fallen out of your pocket luckily you still had the glass. You quickly explained to Kyoko what you found and you began to walk back the incenrator.
"You said Leon entered right?", Kyoko asked
"Yeah just as I was leaving", you replied when you entered the room all the glass was gone.
"I swear it was here", you said shocked the only person you could think of was Leon.
"Do you think Leon did this?", Kyoko asked
"There was no one else here", you replied and Kyoko hummed in agreement. Your thoughts were interrupted by the school speakers.

"so, I'm getting tired of waiting. Let's just get started. It's time for the long awaited class trial!", Monokuma called over the speakers. "Please go through the red door on the first floor", Monokuma continued and the speakers went silent.

You and Kyoko walked in silence to the location, Kyoko didn't seem at all worried as if she had already figured out who it was. Behind the red door was a small room no one else had arrived yet. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous about the trial it must've been obvious on your face because Kyoko took your hand and squeezed it.
"don't worry about the trial, we have plenty of evidence", she said calmly.
"Do you think Leon killed Sayaka?", You asked.
"Im sure it was him all the evidence in Makoto's dorm points to him", Kyoko said calmly.
She quickly dropped your hand when the others arrived.

Once everyone was in the room, the room began to go down 'must be an elevator' you thought as you looked around the room, most people seemed a little nervous others showed no emotion. Makoto seemed the most nervous and  why wouldn't he be almost everyone suspected him. The elevator finally came to a stop and the doors opened revealing a circle of wooden podiums. Each of the podiums had a name scratched into the wood everyone stood behind their podium, a photo of Sayaka and a photo of Junko occupied two podiums leaving one empty podium that didn't have a name on it.

Behind the empty podium was a red chair for Monokuma.
"Now that everyone's here let the class trial begin", Monokuma announced excitedly.

"Whats the point of the trial we already know Makoto's the killer", toko said not making eye contact with anyone, Makoto quickly began defending himself but toko wouldn't listen.

"Let's actually discuss the evidence that we have before we go jumping to conclusions", Kyoko said calmly stopping the two from arguing anymore.

After several pieces of evidence was shown Makoto was almost cleared of any suspicion.

"Now we don't have any suspects if Makoto is cleared", mondo said slightly annoyed

"Actually we do have one", Leon suddenly interrupted

"F/N was disposing of evidence with the incenrator", he accused.

"What!", You yelled you were shocked by his claim 'no one will believe him right?', you thought.

"I was going to search around the incenrator when I saw F/N dump a bunch of glass and something else", Leon said calmly

"Do you have any evidence to back this up Leon?", Kyoko asked calmly

"Is what I saw not enough evidence she's clearly guilty and if it wasn't her than she was working with someone", Leon said getting slightly annoyed.

"I was near the incenrator but I never got rid of any evidence", you said hoping that people would believe you.
You quickly took the piece of glass out of your pocket and showed it to the others.

"I bumped into Leon as I left the room and when I got back the rest of the glass was gone", you told the others.

"Hey that looks like a piece of my crystal ball", yasuhiro suddenly said as he picked up the piece of glass "I was wondering where it went", he continued.

As more and more evidence was shown you were quickly cleared of suspicion and the tables had turned on Leon.

"The numbers 11037, was a dying message left by Sayaka she wrote it with her left hand as her right was clearly broken. So if you flip the writing you get LEO and the 11 was an unfinished N Sayaka spelt out her killers name LEON", Kyoko said calmly showing the last piece of evidence that was needed.

"The blackened that killed sayaka... was none other than Leon Kuwata!" Monokuma announced leon went crazy who wouldn't be in this situation, the others were still in disbelief Leon explained how Sayaka attacked him, how he killed her in self defence.

"If it was self defence you wouldn't have broken into the bathroom, at first it was self defence you had many chances to let Sayaka go. But you wanted out as well Leon so you killed her", celestia said showing no sympathy for Leon.

"Now that the killer has been revealed the blackened will now receive their punishment" Monokuma chuckled at this point Leon was crying saying how he didn't want to die "let's give it everything we got ITS PUNISHMENT TIME", Monokuma called ecstatically.

Leon was grabbed by some sort of mechanism and pulled down a hallway, everyone else was quickly guided to a different room as Leon's screams and cries for help could be heard.

Leon was in a baseball cage and baseball machine was set up 100s of baseball's were fired at Leon with each one you could hear the sickening sound of bones breaking.once the machine had finished firing Leon was dead.

Monokuma quickly sent everyone back to their dorms, Leon shouldn't have killed Sayaka but it was still hard to believe that he was just killed in front of everyone 'at least this should discourage anyone else from disrupting the peace' you thought hoping that Leon's death would be the last one. All you could do was hope.

Hi everyone this story has got over 100 reads TYSM for choosing my story it means a lot to me❤️.

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