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Hey are you hungry? Do you want some meat?" Yibo asked making xiao zhan to face him and he immediately nodded his head, there eyes met and yibo felt a sudden sharp pain on his chest and head too, a blurred vision of a person wearing light blue clothes passed through his mind, yibo closed his eyes for few seconds then opened then again, only to see xiao zhan has moved even more closer to him, standing near him and looking at him with expectant eyes. 

Yibo moved back, making xiao zhan to move even more closer.

"Don't move, stand where you were." Yibo instructed, zhan who was about to move stopped his steps and nodded his head, but he didn't stop looking at Wang yibo, since this good person mentioned food, he must be wanting to give him more yummier food than this scary food which made him to be very scared. He is such a bad food, his daddy could have punished him for scaring adorable, good and sweet prince xiao zhan.

"Where is the food?" Xiao zhan asked Wang yibo since a minute has passed and Wang yibo told him he is going to give him food, but then yibo kept looking at him and there's no food.

"Right, xu kai go get some fresh meat for him, be quick, I had my chef buy some in the morning." Yibo who was very interested with the person in front of him, his dressing is somehow different from the way they dress, and the two horns, it made the teenage boy in front of him to look really beautiful, his facial expressions, made xiao zhan to look like a little baby, his skin is white and gives out a very unique aura, it's shiney and you might be scared to hurt him if you were to touch him.

Xu kai who was instructed felt like fainting, his thigh is injured and his boss is sending him to go and get food for this cannibal who doesn't look like a human but actually an animal who maybe mutated.

"Boss. ...I'm hurt, i need immediate medical checkup, if delayed my thigh might complicated. " Xu kai who was rendered speechless answered while pointing on his thigh, the wound was not bleeding since he pressed the wound with a piece of cloth to stop the bleeding, xiao zhan looked at xu kai and growled at him showing his four sharp fangs making xu kai to immediately limp away.

"Come, sit down as you wait for your food, i will ask you for few more questions, and you will answer ok." Yibo who didn't bother with his assistant told xiao zhan who pouted and looked away.

"No food, no questions." Xiao zhan answered with his pouty lips, walked away and sat down. Even if people finds him naive and stupid, he is not stupid at all, he is very smart! His mommy calls him his smart little baby dragon, he gives him everything, spoils him and no one dares to bully him, but then today that disrespectful food decided to bully him!.

Xu kai limped with difficulty, hissing in pain from time to time, he couldn't believe his boss could treat him like this, the only qualified assistant who met Wang yibo qualifications, the only assistant who is smart enough to easily answer and solve anything that his boss assigned him to, he is the only young person in the world who could compare and at least be at par with his boss, and today his boss didn't care about him when he was injured and even got scared away by a weird species and his boss didn't say a word!.

"Boss choosing that weird species over his assistant! This is so unfair!" Xu kai complained, arriving at the kitchen, xu kai saw the chef was already done preparing lunch and has served, the chef saw xu kai and helped him to sit down.

"Did you hurt yourself with those weird experiments you do in the lab, call your boss and inform him that lunch is ready." The chef said and got the first aid kit for xu kai, xu kai got his phone and called his boss who immediately received the call and said he is on his way.

"Hey let's go." Yibo who found himself being extra talkative today said, he rarely talks and today seeing this interesting species who seems to be somehow familiar, though he doesn't remember where he has seen him, but in his subconscious state, he has the feeling that he has seen or met this weird creature somewhere. Xiao zhan shook his head and started crying for the second time again.

"Not going! I want food! I want meat right now!" Xiao zhan shouted making Wang yibo lips to twitch, throwing a tantrum like a three years old baby when in reality he looks like a sixteen or seventeen years old teenage boy, Wang yibo took out his notebook, wrote down what he has discovered.

"You can stay if you don't want to eat, your food is already served." Yibo answered and even before he could take a step, he felt someone clinging on his back, yibo body froze, his eyes went wide, no one has ever touched him or get very close since he was young and this creature has the audacity to cling on him!. Xiao zhan who felt Wang yibos restlessness his body emitted blue light and it engulfed his body together with Wang yibos body, yibo who was about to have a panic attack because of xiao zhan clinging on his body miraculously calmed down.

Zhan moved back and looked at Wang yibo closely. "Are you alright?" Xiao zhan asked concerned.

"I..I'm fine, just a warning, never touch me again." Yibo answered and walked away, zhan was confused but he still followed, yibo took xiao zhan to the kitchen and he immediately left, arriving at his room, yibo with his pale face he immediately took off his clothes and started scrubbing his body, just imagining xiao zhan clinging on him made yibo to get even more uncomfortable, imagining germs moving all over his body made yibo to be more anxious.

Zhan sat down on the chair and looked at xu kai who was cleaning his wound while whimpering in pain.

"Why are you cleaning your wound when i will eat you next?" Xiao zhan asked making xu kai to press his wound hard enough for him to shout in pain.

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