My Husband Tried To End Me But I'm The Main Character

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Henlooooo, I am a tired person with no self control. I apologize in advance if I say or do something unprofessional.

This was done for fun, so I most likely won't do much on it?

TW: Blood, gore, violence, language, fire, misogynistic men.

Reader is female and a teen mom, so this is more for female readers who like kids ig? Everyone can read, but I just wanted to throw that out there before you begin reading

(Y/n) = Your Name

(L/n) = Last Name

I wrote this at two in the morning, so if you see any issues no you don't-

Status: raw


You smiled up at the night sky as you cradled your youngest baby in your arms. He had just dozed off, his soft breathing barely mixing in with the midnight chorus of the forest mountains.

"My sweet boy, what a treasure you are." You cooed quietly.

He was only five months into this life, and you were determined to make it all worthwhile for him and his older siblings. Sadly, as much as you tried, that proved to be a bit difficult. There were always curses trying to attack your family because of who you were.

Oh? You don't know, reader?

You are (L/n) (Y/n), the greatest sorceress in all of Ancient Japan, and you are retired.

You had always wanted to keep your children out of the sorcerer's life, wanting them to live as peacefully as they could without dealing with the hardships you had to struggle with. It was difficult in such an old era, you were aware of how primitive life currently was.

Your husband was against this at first, complaining about it being the only reason he wanted children in the first place. He even tried to train your other two children behind your back. They quickly told you of it, though, because unlike most mothers, you actually listened to your children's concerns and didn't mock them.

Eventually, an agreement was sealed with, "We helped create them, but we do not control them. We give them guidance when they want it." He knew better than to argue with you on this, fuckin' bottom, and your children were significantly happier.

All of your years of knowing him, you could confirm that he was a battle fanatic. You just never believed that he would actually put them through something that, behind your back to add!

You shook your head, not wanting to overthink. You'd just keep an eye out for him.

After a few moments, you sat up and went to check on your kids.

First, Chibi. She was the eldest at four and a half years old. She had inherited your bright eyes and her father's golden hair. She was a helpful and kind soul with a fair mindset. She also showed signs of inheriting your powers instead of her father's.

Your husband was rather overjoyed from this news, to your concern.

Totally bragging, but your abilities were significantly greater than your husband's. He was never much of a fighter to begin with, but even if he did go full power against you, he would still lose in under five minutes.

Chibi was breathing softly, her long locks resembling golden rivers spilling off of her pillow. She was so peaceful and adorable, you smiled as you slowly closed the door.

Next was Hayao. He was named Hayao because of how fast he was at everything. At only a few hours old, he tried to raise his head up and had already focused his eyes! It was alarming how impatient he was. He was a male child clone of you, with hints of your powers as well.

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