Crazy Mall Teens And Super Failed Schemes

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Warning: Cussing and idk Kofuku ig?

Status: Raw


We all know that the future is a mystery, it is a veil that only stoned priests like the Oracle of Delphi or kids that fucked up can peer through.

Though Junpei was not high, nor in trouble, he just knew he was about to get fucked.

In a good way or bad way, he had yet to confirm.

Now this was just him thinking.

He simply got this idea from the way your hand rubbed the area between his shoulders with a soothing hum. Maybe it was by how close you were, you were something of a gentle horror dream.

The light from the street lamps glowing over your taller figure made him see a silhouette.

Even when only your shape was visible, you were still a hauntingly beautiful sight that only those blessed by higher beings that favored them could lay eyes upon.

'Damn, where'd that come from?' He stared at the ground with a heavy blush.

You chuckled, catching Junpei's attention as you began putting a little distance between the two of you. "If you were getting uncomfortable, you could've said something."

You looked down at him with all white eyes, glowing in your silhouette, "Don't be afraid to tell me anything, love."

Junpei nodded, eyes wide when he saw your own unnatural eyes, "Woah, how can you do that?" It was something straight out of a scary movie!

A smile stretched across your face, "I'm a curse, but I can change my eyes from normal," You gestured to your eyes before waving your hand over your face, revealing your (e/c), "To undercover."

Junpei's little blush of amazement made your heart clench. "You're just too cute, Junpei."

Said teen couldn't help but smile, muttering a small thanks as he got used to your compliments.

"Let's get you home, we can start tomorrow if you're still interested in learning."

"O..okay, I'm still pretty curious." He nodded, pointing to the direction of his home.


Meanwhile, Gojo realized the struggles of parenthood.

Nobara and Megumi were about a pinch away from being banned from the outdoor mall. They ran up and down the place, carefully analyzing the best gifts and discussing which ones would be suitable for your tastes.

"What about this Wisteria spider necklace?" Megumi held up a gorgeous necklace with said spider gem. He tried to be nonchalant about it, but deep down he was as excited as a kid on their birthday.

Nobara rubbed her chin in deep concentration, "She used that code word for her kids. If we show her that, then she'd be reminded of them." She then shook her head, "No! That'll make her sad, and the last thing I wanna do is bring my hero down."

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