Chapter 4: Kari

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All throughout math I think about Ryu. I didn't even think it was possible that guys like him existed. He just randomly showed up and found his way into my life. He makes me smile, he makes me laugh. He's so sweet and kind and I always find myself with a smile on my face when he's around.

He takes an interest in me and my life. He asks me a lot of questions and is slowly getting to know me. It's not just one-sided though, I do the same with him.

There have been a couple of times where we'll see each other in the hall and he'll come and say hi. Then there's today. He took the time to walk me to class instead of going to his own. I'm really happy that he did. I love talking to him and spending time with him, but I also wonder: why? Why would he risk the possibility of being late just to walk me to class?

Sometimes when I look at him, I think I see a light in his chocolate brown eyes that I don't see with anybody else. Like he looks at me slightly different than the rest of the world does. It's probably just my imagination though. Or perhaps a trick of the light. Why would anybody ever look at me differently? I'm too plain, too boring. It will never happen.

Eyes that sparkle when you're in love are only meant for movies... and other people. Just a stupid cliché I've finally learned to accept that I will never get to experience. Especially with prom and the end of school coming up so fast.

The bell rings startling me out of my thoughts. I missed the entire lesson. I realize just how bad that is when the teacher says, "I will be adding that to your test on Monday. Make sure to review it over the weekend." Well, shit.

I turn to my seat partner just before she has the chance to leave. "Hey, Rin."

She turns to me, "hey, Kari. What's up?"

"Uhh, this is a little embarrassing to admit, but I completely missed that whole lesson. I was totally spaced out. Could I take a picture of your notes so I'm able to study over the weekend?"

She laughs, "just having one of those days huh?" I nod. "I get it, no problem." She opens her bag and pulls out her binder.

I take out my cell phone and snap a picture of her notes. "Oh, thank you Rin! You are such a life saver!"

She waves a hand, "eh. Like I said, don't even worry about it. I saw that you had zoned out and started doodling, so I figured you would be asking."

Doodling? "Oh. Anyway, thanks again. This should be a big help. See you Monday."

"Bye, Kari," says Rin as she heads out of the classroom.

I pocket my phone and pull out my binder again. I turn to the page with today's date and see that Rin was right, I had doodled something absentmindedly. Inside a large heart there was a single three letter word in my fanciest writing: Ryu.

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