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𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟕

Margarita had made sure, early on to leave the letters to her daughter in her study, one for her fifteenth birthday, one for her twenty-first birthday, and one for her wedding day. Margarita and Daniel both knew they were being hunted down by what was left of the Death Eaters for not joining them, they were being protected by Dumbledore as well as other friends that were in their same business, but those friends could talk easily if they were tortured. They both thought about their daughter Cassandra who was being protected by Dumbledore at Hogwarts, Margarita and Daniel made sure to amend their will to put Cassandra in the custody of Roberto Lopez should anything happen to them as he was her godfather.

Margarita was from Catemaco, a small town in Veracruz, Mexico which was well known for its brujas, shamans, seers, and healers. Margarita had inherited her powers from her bloodline, she was skilled as a bruja, a seer, and could heal small cuts when she began at Hogwarts, she was tutored by Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall themselves and proceeded to train every summer when she went home. Daniel had been mesmerized by the golden light he saw escape Margarita's fingertips the first time they had met. Dumbledore was also impressed, shocked that he had such a powerful witch under his care, and he knew that she was in danger outside the castle walls, even when the war was over and when Harry Potter had 'killed' Voldemort.

The truth was that the death eaters needed Margarita's magic to bring Voldemort back to his human form, she could heal his body until he returned to his human state that his soullessness had stripped him of, their drug business was something that they also sought out not only to have more control over the magic population but to also have an easier way of killing muggles, a drug epidemic blurred the lines and prevented Death Eaters from going out of their way to kill muggles. The Sanchez-Garcia family were also incredibly rich and whilst yes, their friend Pablo Escobar was pronounced a billionaire at the start of the year by Forbes, they had more money than he did but they kept themselves hidden from the muggles and wizards, always outsmarting the DEA with apparating, cloaking spells for the fields of greenery and Polyjuice potions, hiding from Auror's wasn't an issue as most of them had fought in the war against Voldemort with the couple but they moved around from time to time whilst their daughter was in Hogwarts for her first and second year.

There was banging on the front door, as well as laughing, it sent a chill up Daniel's spine as he ran to the study with a suitcase for his wife.

"Rita, you need to go" Daniel said hastily

"Daniel, de que estas hablando? Como crees que te voy a dejar solo" *Daniel, what are you talking about? how dare you think that I'm going to leave you alone *

"Cassandra te necesita, please Rita" *Cassandra needs you*

"No seas pendejo, I am not leaving you to fight alone!" *Don't be such an asshole*

Daniel gripped Margarita's face and kissed her passionately like this kiss would be their last

"Our daughter needs you; she can survive without me"

"But I can't"

"They'll try to get to you first"

Daniel was interrupted by the front doors breaking down, he put a finger to his lips and opened the door to the study, Margarita followed her husband down the hallways of the Sanchez-Garcia family mansion, they nodded to each other in acknowledgement as they reached the hallway before the grand staircase, a small golden orb ejected itself from Margarita's hand and into Daniel's mind 'Te amo con toda mi alma' *I love you with all my soul*, Daniel teared up and kissed his wife's forehead, they both knew it was time to fight for their lives, their home and their child.

They took out their wands and began firing spells against the death eaters, Englishman Daniel Jones was at the forefront of the fight, he was known across the UK for his deadly curses and hexes, two others were with him, and both were masked. Purple and red fired from the couple's wands casting protective spells against the killers as they made their way down from the staircase, whilst the death eater's deadly curses manifested in bold greens and yellow hews

"You should've joined us when you had the chance" growled Daniel Jones

"And become like you? A filthy mutt without its master, no thank you" laughed Margarita as she bound a death eater with the cream curtains.

"How dare you even mention the dark lord?!" hissed the other Death eater who stood in an offensive stance, ready to pounce.

"It doesn't have to end like this" warned Daniel Jones

"We will never join you; we would rather die than ever be with you" spit Daniel Sanchez "Stupify" Daniel Sanchez shouted, the curse knocking one of the masked death eaters into a marble pillar making him pass out

Daniel Jones grit his teeth and gripped his wand as rage consumed him he said "So be it"

In his moment of sheer anger Daniel Jones inflicted the pain of Sectumsempra on Margarita, who screamed as the deep wounds appeared on her flesh, blood seeping out and coating her jeans and thick white jumper, Daniel Sanchez rushed to kneel next to his wife, tears blurring his vision, a foolish mistake, now that his back was turned the notorious Death eater could now attack and so he did, wordlessly casting the Avada Kedavra spell making Margarita cry out for her husband but before he could acknowledge his wife's horrific cry for him, he was gone, Daniel Sanchez's lifeless body slumped to the side, his head hitting the base of the stairs.

Margarita could heal people, but she couldn't bring back the dead, tears rolled down her cheeks and a sob wrecked through her already shaking body, she knew the blood loss was far too intense to save her as her vision got blurry from tears and blood loss so she closed her eyes and mentally she prayed, as she had every Sunday at church, as she had through her singing around the house, as she had on her wedding day, as she had when her daughter was born and when she first left for school. These were her last moments, laying at the bottom of her staircase, she took her last shallow breaths and thought of her family.

Daniel Jones growled in frustration as he witnessed the queenpin die causing the masked death eater who dropped from the curtains hold, to laugh at him.

"What are you gonna go back and say now Danny boy? No one to vouch for you now, not even Lucious would back you after this"

Daniel smirked and enchanted the curtains to choke the death eater to death, Daniel never cared much for teamwork and if one measly death eater died, who would know that it was him? And who would care? He laughed as he heard the death eater gasp for breath and scratch at the curtains around his throat creating scratch marks on his throat, he dropped to his knees and carried on choking as Daniel Jones laughed and quickly exited the mansion as he knew that those who worked for the family would be back soon and probably with Aurors. Daniel Jones smirked to himself as he went home, he always made sure to never have his eggs in one basket, no, he was too prepared for that, he would wait until Margarita's daughter was the right age, until she had enough training but enough naivety to be lead astray and use her to bring back the dark lord. 

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A/N- hope you guys enjoy the rewrite,

Love Em

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