The Hidden Leaf

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(Y/n) couldn't believe he was actually in Naruto, He just really couldn't believe it.

(Naruto: BELIEVE IT)

(Y/n): Hold on so you did this?

???: yes I did. This is what you wanted right.

(Y/n): well its not like im complaining but who are you?

???: That isn't important just enjoy your new life.

(Y/n): So I'm really in Naruto

???: Well with a few changes yes

(Y/n): So what powers do I have ? Do I have sharingan? Am I a Jinchuriki? Whats my kekkei genkai?

???: All will be revealed soon. Well this is probably the last time you will hear me.

???: Well then bye now.

Before (Y/n) could say anything he heard a zip sound in his ear probably signifying a line cut off like a phone being put down.

(Y/n): so this is my life now huh? I'M ACTUALLY IN NARUTO OMG OMG O.M.G


After (Y/n) then stopped and then decided to leave there forest and find the nearest village. He then was on a path and saw a gate. He then ran up to the gate and recognised all of it. The village, the gate, and he swore he saw 4 heads on a cliff. 

The hidden leaf village. Konohagakure

He then walked into the village but then was stopped by 2 shinobi who he recognised as Kotetsu and Izumo.

Izumo: Who are you and state your business in konaha

(Y/n): My names (Y/n) (L/n) and I woke up in front of the gate without any memories

(Y/n) lies while nervously laughing and scratching the back of his head

Kotetsu: Really? well we'll have to report to the Hokage and you'll have to come with us.

(Y/n): okay

Kotetsu and Izumo escort (Y/n) to the Hokage's office


The 3 of them walk up to the door of the Hokage's office and hears a certain Naruko Uzumaki whining

Naruko: EH jiji these D ranks are SOOO boring why can't we have a C rank or something

(Y/n): Huh? isn't it Naruto who says that who's this chick screaming and its definitely not Sakura she's like 5 times that loud.

While (Y/n) was wondering who that was Izumo knocked on the door and the Hokage was called them in. As they walked in (Y/n) heared a voice which he knew was Iruka say

Iruka: Naruko show some respect. Your not ready for a C rank

(Y/n): Naruko? WAIT A SEC!

He then turned to see a blond girl with pig tails in a orange and blue jumpsuit on the floor

He then turned to see a blond girl with pig tails in a orange and blue jumpsuit on the floor

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