Boy vs God

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Third Person

(Y/n) stood before the five shocked warriors. How could a child cast reanimation Jutsu?

Orochimaru: "You again."

(Y/n): "I know... We gotta stop meeting like this."

Hiruzen: "(Y/n)!"

Tobirama: "Hiruzen, you know this child?"

Hiruzen: "Yes. He is a genin that's apart of our village. But how are you here (Y/n)? What about the barrier?"

(Y/n): "I thought I'd lend a helping hand. Well two sets of hands. The details aren't important."

Hiruzen: "A helping hand eh? I'll take all I can get. "

(Y/n): "You go on and fight Orochimaru in peace. Me and lord fourth here can teach these pensioners how the new gen rolls!"

Hiruzen nodded towards (Y/n) and went to fight Orochimaru. Leaving the dead Hokage and (Y/n) to fight.

Tobirama: "A Genin wishes to fight us? While we may have been weakened please do not mistake this for lack of power."

(Y/n): "I know. I'll probably lose. But I'm only trying to buy time for Lord Third."

Hashirama: "Such loyalty for your Hokage. Oh unfortunate for a child to fight in this meaningless war."

(Y/n): "Lord fourth is it possible for you to use the flying raijin to get us some back up?"

Minato: "Sadly, I can only use the flying raijin where there are marks with my formula. There any aren't near. If I did I'd probably end up in Iwakagure or in some box."

Tobirama: "If only I had control of my body I could use the signs to undo the reanimation."

Hashirama: "I think we should get to fighting, no?"

(Y/n) rushed forward to Tobirama swinging his leg to kick him in the face. Only for Tobirama to block the kick with his left arm. Grabbing his leg, Tobirama swung (Y/n) down to the ground. Groaning from the pain, (Y/n) saw Tobirama's leg coming down towards him, so he rolled away.

Jumping away, (Y/n) went to attack Tobirama again. This time he went for a jab and then a cross which were blocked. After, he threw a cross to which Tobirama dodged. However, (Y/n) managed to uppercut Tobirama in the face. Quickly, (Y/n) jumped and side kicked him in face knocking him back.

(Y/n) appeared above Tobirama and clasped his hands together swinging them down like a hammer. Tobirama got up from the ground and brushed the dirt of his shoulders.

Tobirama then pulled out a kunai and zoomed at (Y/n) who dodged. Stepping back, (Y/n) took out his blade. Swinging the blade down, (Y/n) was blocked by the kunai. (Y/n) then tried to chop Tobirama from the side. However, Tobirama swiftly parried the blade with his kunai. Dropping the kunai into his other hand, Tobirama swung at (Y/n).

(Y/n) tried to dodge, even so he received a cut on his left cheek. Before (Y/n) could even react, he noticed Tobirama going for another strike so he jumped back. Facing (Y/n), Tobirama did hands signs.

Tobirama: "Water style: Water Canon Technique!"

Tobirama spit out a powerful beam of boiling water towards (Y/n).

(Y/n): 'Chidori!'

(Y/n) channelled a large amount of electricity in to his hand, making the chakra visible. Just as the beam of water was to hit (Y/n). He thrust the lightning in his hand into the water beam. The electricity flowed through the water and to Tobirama, electrifying him.

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