Basic Information To Know When Reading

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These will not all apply in the same request/story at the same time, but if they do at least you're prepared. 

**If I think of more to add for descriptions or etc. they will be added here and to the chapter for ease of reading.**

Y/n (can be seen as F/n): your name/your first name
L/n: last name
N/n: nickname
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length
E/c: eye color
S/c: skin color
B/n: brother's name
S/n: sister's name
M/n: Mom's name
D/n: Dad's name
So/n: Significant Other's name
Bf/n: best friend's name
P/n: pet's name

If you want to make a request comment the character you want to be paired with comment who and the scenario you want the story to be. If you  want  the story to be gender neutral or have your preferred pronouns please say so.

***Requests are PG-13/anything that is not lemony***

Thank you and enjoy reading.

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