Wedding Gift Spectacular

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***Request from  Perksofbeingjune34 ***

Warning: Some swearing and possible grammatical errors

Since Bobby and Athena have been hanging out I definitely knew deep down that they were meant to be and get together and one day, hopefully get married. So when Bobby asked me for help with looking for a wedding ring I practically almost screamed like a toddler on Christmas. Of course I helped him pick out the best possible ring that would suit Athena's style and personality, but I was so honored to help pick out something so important.

"Thank you June, this really means a lot to me that you helped me pick this out for Athena. I hope you're okay with Athena and I getting married."

I laughed and looked to Bobby with a serious look upon my face.

"Dad, you of all people should know me better than this. I pushed for you to even ask Athena about dating in the first place. I'm so happy you've finally come to your senses and actually did it and now you're going to pop the question."

A few weeks or so of planning later with Bobby and Athena and we were approaching the wedding day quicker than I thought, I sat across Eddie at the table playing with my food as I got lost in thought.

"Hey June? You okay hun? You seem a bit distracted."

"Huh?"  Well, shit he noticed. "Uh yeah, I'm fine Ed. Just thinking about the wedding, it's just... My family is finally going to be complete. We'll like more complete but how I wished my family was when I was younger."

Eddie nodded as he took in the weight of my answer, his hands wrapped around mine and he looked into my eyes with a loving smile.

"Well June, I'm happy you're getting your childhood wish and I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring for Bobby, Athena and everyone. But come, we got an early start tomorrow and should get some sleep."

With a nod of my head and Eddie still holding onto my hand we walked to our shared bedroom and went to sleep, ready for tomorrow to finally arrive.

After that beautiful wedding ceremony, we had gone to the banquet hall and were taken in awe by how beautiful the decorations were. Bobby and Athena's day certainly was magical and it was only going to get better. I took a deep breath as I held the microphone in my hand, I thought I was prepared but oh good Lord am I  nervous. This was Athena and Bobby's wedding reception and what I was about to do could go good or bad, this was something I kept to myself and now I'm sharing it with like a hundred or so people.

I looked to Eddie who sat at the table with the whole wedding procession and blushed a little as he gave me a nod. I turned the microphone on and decided to take a leap of faith hoping that everything will go to plan.

"A long time ago, but not too long ago because that'd make Bobby older than old, I found my forever family. Bobby Nash, who has been through some shit, some pretty rough shit at that if I'm being honest here. This man came up to me when I was attempting to buy some food with some money I had gotten and offered to pay for my food. Now here I am a little 11½ year old ditching school because of the popular girls chasing me down and throwing me in mud, so I was a hot mess. But here is Bobby fuckin Nash paying for my food and talking with me about why I'm not at school, why I'm covered head to toe in mud. Soon as he found out that I was living on the streets and had no where to go he dragged my ass back to his apartment where he let me shower and gave me some clothes."

I wiped away my tears that were starting to form and smiled as I looked to Bobby and Athena.

"You helped me become the person I am today. If we never crossed paths I don't know what would have happened to me and where I would be in life. So thank you Bobby, thank you so fucking much for saving me and THANK GOD! You finally realize that you deserved Athena and that you were being stupid if you never asked her to marry you."

I rose up my glass and everyone did the same before we all took a drink.

"BuckMeister press play for me will ya?"

Buck shook his head with a smile laughing at my nickname before pressing play, where the music soon began to fill the room.

"Bobby and Athena, this song is dedicated to you. At this time I would like to ask you both down to the dance floor for your 1st official dance as husband and wife."

Bobby and Athena held each other's hands and walked down to the dance floor where they slowly began to dance together with the music.

"Sugar pie, honey bunch
You know that I love you
I can't help myself
I love you and nobody else

Oh in and out my life
You come and you go
Leaving just your picture behind
And I've kissed it a thousand times"

I sang as Bobby and Athena danced across the dance floor, Athena's dress flowing beautifully behind her each time Bobby swirled her around in circles. Everyone who watched the duo dance had tears glistening in their eyes, which were threatening to escape with each passing moment.

"When you snap your fingers, or wink your eye
I come running to you
I'm tied to your apron strings
And there's nothing that I can do

Oh I can't help myself
I love you and nobody else
Sugar pie, honey bunch
I'm weaker than a girl should be
Oh I can't help myself
I'm a fool in love, ya see"

I held the microphone tight in my grasp and eyed the crowd, not failing to notice the fact that Eddie was staring at me in either awe or shock, perhaps both. I shot him a smile and gave a wave before continuing on.

"Wanna tell you I don't love you
Tell you that we're through
And I try
But every time I see your face
I get all choked up inside

When I call your name
Boy, it starts to flame
(Burning in my heart)
(Tearing it all apart)
No matter how I try
My love I cannot hide"

As the song grew closer and closer to the end I could tell that Bobby and Athena were loving the dance they got to enjoy and the song.

"Sugar pie, honey bunch
You know that I'm weak for you
I can't help myself
I love you and nobody else

Sugar pie, honey bunch
You know that I love you
I can't help myself
I love you and nobody else"

When the song had ended everyone was up on their feet clapping, a few people could be seen wiping tears from their eyes, one of those people being  Buck. Bobby and Athena came over to me and gave me a tight hug that I didn't want to let go from.

"June, a few things I need to tell you. 1, that song was beautiful I-I didn't know that you could sing. 2, thank you for that amazing toast. And of course last of all the best for last. I have never been more proud of you and I feel so honored to have welcomed you into my life so everyday I get to call you my daughter."

With those words he pat my cheek and kissed my forehead before walking off with Athena to go talk to the other guests. I was about to go look for Eddie when I felt strong arms grab me from behind and deep voice tickled my neck as they whispered in my ear.

"June bug, why didn't you ever tell me that you could sing so damn well. You took my breath away and I am so awestruck by your talent. You know, you never cease to amaze me with what you are capable of. I don't know how I got so lucky to call you my girlfriend, but I'd never change how it happened."

Eddie spun me around and gave a deep kiss before  whisking me off to the dance floor where we spent the rest of the night in each other's embrace. It's safe to say that not only was this day magical for Athena and Bobby but for me and Eddie as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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