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I met my love, I said goodbye

For endless days, I cried and laughed

These times and moments

They so beautiful yet so painful

-BTOB [beautiful pain]

Johnny was getting ready for the party in his room and tried to find clothes that he would look good in. It had been already two hours of him picking an outfit, and he still had no idea what to wear.

After changing in and out of different outfits he finally settled on a simple black turtle neck, a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans that were paired up with black Dr. Martens and silver jewelry. He looked into the mirror and checked if he looked good enough.

Obviously he looked amazing as usual, but in his eyes he could look better, after all he was dating the chittaphon leechayapornkul, after all, he had to live up to those standards.

He grabbed his keys and left the dorm room to pick up his boyfriend from another dorm complex that was about a kilometre away from where he was staying. When he got there Ten was already standing outside and waiting for him to arrive.

When Ten noticed that Johnny had arrived, he quickly walked towards the car and got in the passenger seat leaning over and placing a soft kiss on Johnny's lips. "Hi baby."

"Well hello there, my love." Ten lightly laughed at how dramatic Johnny was being.

"Are we living in the eighteenth century or something?" He said not intending to hurt Johnny's feeling at all, but somehow it happened anyways.

"Oh, you don't like it?" Johnny said sounding slightly hurt by Ten's words. "Of course I like it, it makes me feel special in some way." He just nodded his head and started driving to Jackson's house that was located right outside of the city.

The whole way there Ten was clinging onto Johnny's arm and laying his head on his shoulder and falling asleep for a few minutes before they got to their destination. When they had gotten there Johnny woke Ten up and the two of them got out of the car and walked inside the house.

"Johnny, ma man!" A loud voice yelled over the music that could be even heard. Someone trew his hand around Johnny's shoulder completely ignoring the fact that someone was next to him. "How have you been? Haven't seen you in ages."

"If you call two months ages, then yes, we haven't seen each other in ages." Johnny answered completely not caring about Jackson was saying. "Anyways I am sure you remember Ten, my boyfriend."

"Oh the boyfriend that you have somehow managed to stay together with for one and a half years, even though it is obvious that he doesn't have feeling for you, than I do remember him." He said loud enough for Johnny to hear, but not so loud that Ten would hear his statement.

"Jackson, just shut up." Johnny unwrapped himself from Jackson's hand and headed into the house with Ten. The two of them got some drinks for themselves and the headed to the part of the house where people were dancing.

The two of them started dancing closely to each other, not wanting to lose the other, but over time they got more careless and didn't really care who they were dancing with. At least Ten didn't care who he was dancing with at this point, but when Johnny realised that he had lost Ten in the crowd he stated looking around and tried to find him.

After about half a minute of searching he found Ten dancing with Jaehyun and immediately calmed down, at least he was with someone he trusted. After about an hour of dancing and drinking alcohol he made his way to the kitchen to get some water.

When he got to the kitchen he saw Taeyong sitting on the counter while sipping from his drink. He was holding the small packet and drinking it like a child, not that it was a bad thing. He was wearing a pink skirt and crop top that barely covered anything, he also had fishnets on and some demonias. His neck was covered in jewelry and a black leather choker around it.

There was no denying the fact that he looked like a snack, fuck it, the whole damn meal, but Johnny had his eyes only on Ten and this didn't even affect him in the slightest.

"Where is Ten?" Taeyong asked while still sipping on his caprisun and moving his legs like an excited kid on Christmas.

"He was with Jaehyun." Johnny said while grabbing a bottle of water from he refrigerator. "Ahhhh, okay."

The two of them stayed in the kitchen just looking at each other, not having anything to really talk about. Well Taeyong had no idea what to talk about, but Johnny was still curious about why Taeyong and Jaehyun had broken up so suddenly when everything seemed to be going well for them and Johnny being Johnny decided to ask this question.

"So, why did you and Jaehyun breakup?" Taeyong immediately stopped drinking his caprisun and looked around trying to avoid Johnny's gaze. "Just tell me."

"Why do you want to know the answer to that question so badly?" Taeyong's words sounded angry as he looked into Johnny's eyes with a bit of hurt flashing in them before it disappeared.

"I don't know, maybe I want to know why two of my best-friends suddenly broke up even though their relationship seemed fine?!? I don't know why else would I possibly want to know?" Johnny started sounding a bit agitated by Taeyong's behaviour. What could possibly be so bad that he didn't want to say it?

Taeyong looked at the ground and mumbled something under his breath, but it wasn't loud enough and Johnny didn't understand what Taeyong was saying. "What was that?"

"He moaned someone else's name while his dick was inside of me, happy now?" He basically yelled and a small tear rolled down his cheek which made Johnny's heart break into pieces.

"I'm gonna punch that bitch." Johnny was about to go search for Jaehyun but Taeyong stopped him before he had a chance to do that.

"I already punched him tonight, not that hard but he will definitely have a bruise for some time." Johnny turned around and looked at Taeyong with slightly wider eyes than before. "There is no need to punch him."

"I am not going to punch him now, but if I get a chance in the future, let's hope he doesn't end up with broken bones." The both of them laughed at that statement and spent the rest of the night talking to each other.

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