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Don't look at me like that

We're just in love, that's all

Don't hate on us, however you're viewing us

We're just a little different

Just leave us alone

-SONG JIEUN [don't look at me like that]

    It was the next day and Johnny was laying down on the floor and working out, while his sweat was mixing with his tears. When he woke up this morning and Taeyong was already gone and since he didn't want to allow himself to be sad over someone who cheated on him and lead him on. 

    At first he thought he won't cry, but then when he was in the middle of doing push-ups tears just started streaming out of his eyes. He ignored them as much as he could and continued to workout, and because he hadn't worked out in a long time his muscles had already started to hurt, but that didn't mean he would stop.

    Somehow he managed to workout for a few hours before he was interrupted by someone opening the door to his room. He abruptly stopped and heavy breaths filled the room, he looked at who was standing at the door and put his head back down on the floor and closing his eyes.

    "How long have you been working out?" Taeyong asked his voice signaling that he was annoyed by Johnny's antic's of getting over a breakup.

    "Since I woke up, which would add up to-" He took his phone from next to him and looked at the time and quickly added up how long he had been working out. "-five hour's in total. And before you get mad, last time it was nine hour's." He said so Taeyong wouldn't get as mad.

    "Last time you passed out, if I wouldn't have come here, you would have probably kept going. And don't say that you wouldn't, I know you like the back of my hand!" He angrily said while walking closer to Johnny and sitting down next to him. "Stretch."

    Johnny ignored Taeyong and just continued to lay there while sweating, he was sure that Taeyong would leave him alone. He was completely wrong about that. He felt a strong punch land on his shoulder. "Ouch! What the hell Taeyong?!?"

    "W are going clubbing today, remember? You need to be able to dance and you can't do that while you are sore." He said, but Johnny didn't even flinch and continued to lay there completely un-bothered. Taeyong noticed and decided to take the matter in his own hand's, he changed the position he was in and started stretching Johnny himself. He slowly lifted one of his legs and pressed it against his chest.

    Johnny yelped from the sudden change in his position and the sudden boldness Taeyong expressed. "W-what are you doing?" He asked while being slightly flustered by the position they were in. Taeyong had pushed his leg up and was stretching him while he was sitting on Johnny's other leg , if somebody else would have came in, the situation could be easily misunderstood.

    "I am stretching you since you are acting like a fucking brat right now." Johnny's mind started traveling to the wrong thoughts and he immediately blushed from what he was thinking about and tried to push them out of his head, he really tried but they weren't really leaving. 

    "I-I can do it myself." He quietly said while a small pout was forming on his lips. Taeyong just raised his brow at him and replied. "Oh, can you now?"

    "Yes!" Johnny said while trying hard not to stutter and appear confident in front of Taeyong. He eyed him suspiciously, but in the end he let go of his leg and got back into the position he was in beforehand. Johnny let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, and slowly started stretching himself, slightly whining due to the pain in his muscles.

    Taeyong just watched him from the side, not so innocent thoughts filling his head at the moment. He just wanted to slap himself for having these thoughts about his best friend, that had literally became single only yesterday.

    If he would have known that Johnny was also having similar thoughts, maybe he wouldn't have felt so guilty about thinking like that, but unlike Taeyong who was imagining Johnny under him while screaming his name, Johnny was thinking about Taeyong being on top of him. When he was together with Ten and the rest of his past boyfriends, he didn't even dare to mention the fact that he sometimes wanted to bottom, obviously he had never tried bottoming, everybody just assumed that he was a top, just because he was tall. But the thing was, he didn't really enjoy topping and he never felt complete while topping, he had no idea if he would like bottoming, but he still wanted to try.

    When he was done stretching he looked at Taeyong and thought if he should ask him the question that was messing with his head for a few minutes. Taeyong looked back at him and titled his head while looking slightly confused. "Is there anything wrong?" He could sense that something was bothering Johnny, they had been friends for a long time after all.

    Johnny hesitated and thought if he should ask or if he should try to do it himself, but then he realized that he had no idea, so he gathered all his courage to ask the question. "Can you help me... to look like a bottom when we go to the club?" His voice was barely audible at the end of the sentence, but Taeyong heard what Johnny had said and was slightly surprised by the question.

    "Sure, why not!" He answered excitingly, surprising the male that was still laying on the floor.

    "You are... not going to judge me?" Johnny asked while he was eyeing Taeyong suspiciously, still not believing him completely. "No? Why would I judge you for that!"

     "I don't know, anything could happen!" He answered while throwing his hands up in the air out of frustration. "When have I ever judged you?" Johnny thought for a moment before answering the question. "Never." He sounded like a kid that was being scalded.

    "Exactly, and it is going to stay that way!"

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