f o u r t e e n

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| d e e p e r |

A dim memory in front of my eye

It's like yesterday

I thought it was all dull now

But I think of you again

-E'LAST U [봄의 시작]

    Two males were sitting on the couch and watching Harry Potter. And they were cuddled up close to each other, basically leaving no space in between them.

    Honestly speaking, Johnny was clinging onto Taeyong and was not willing to let go of him anytime soon. Cuddling people was his way of showing affection and he was not going to talk about his feelings unless he is forced to do so.

    There was a bowl of popcorn next to Taeyong and he was just feeding them to Johnny automatically and not even paying attention to he fact that they looked like a couple. In Johnny's head they will never be a couple, he knew that there was no way he liked Taeyong in a romantic way and it was going to stay that way.

    Meanwhile Taeyong was starting to question his feelings for the taller male, did he like Johnny or was it just sexual attraction that made him feel that way. He hoped that those weren't romantic feelings, he couldn't risk losing their friendship, even if there was occasional fucking included.

    Soon, the older male had fallen asleep, his even breaths brushing on Taeyong's bare chest, over the hickeys from the past two nights. Taeyong didn't have as many of them as Johnny did, but it was still enough.

    Taeyong smiled at the visible hickeys and he touched them with his other hand, gently trailing his fingers over them. He knew that it was stupid, but knowing that Johnny was the one who made them, made Taeyong feel happy, but he knew he shouldn't, they were only best-friends afterall.

    But he couldn't help it, Johnny was literally perfect in his eyes. When he loved someone he would do anything for them, he also respected other people's boundaries and never forced them to do anything they didn't want to do, literally the perfect boyfriend.

    Taeyong might like him a little bit, just a little bit. He knew that it was just a tiny crush and he will try to get rid of his feelings as soon as he can and then his emotions can finally go back to normal.

    He continued to stare at Johnny and could not help himself and pushed Johnny's hair out of his face while staring at him lovingly, and unknowingly he was falling deeper and deeper for him. "Goodnight."

Im sorry about the chapters getting shorter.

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