14 - Nomou Or Human?

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Mina POV
I wake up in a bed that isn't mine. I look around and realize that I'm in an unfamiliar room. I try to remember where I am but I can't. They last thing I know is that I was shopping with my friends. Or are they my friends? I don't feel like they are my friends when I think of them. What's wrong with me? I stand up and walk to a mirror which is hanging on the wall. I don't think that something changed but the look on my face which is a lot more emotionless and my makeup. Did someone else did this? I also wear different clothes. I kinda like them. I hear a knock on my door.
Mina: Come in!
The door opens and Toga comes in. Usually I would fight her but right now I don't feel like it. I don't know why. She feels more like a friend than an enemy.
Mina: Hello Toga. Can you tell me why I don't hate you?
Toga: YOU DON'T!? Sorry. I can't tell you but I'll bring you to All for One. He'll tell you!
Mina: Thank you Toga!
While saying this I smile. Do I have emotions or not? That's so confusing.
Mina: Toga?
Toga: What is it?
Mina: Where am I?
Toga: The base of the League of Villains.
Mina: And why am I here?
Toga: Because you got kidnapped. And one of your friends got kidnapped too. Can't you remember that?
Mina: No. Who?
Toga: I forgot his name. He has black hair, blue eyes, piercings.
Mina: That's Riku! Is he like me?
Toga: You mean almost emotionless?
Mina: Yes.
Toga: Then yes! I mean he's supposed to be like you but he didn't wake up yet so I don't know. We'll see in a second!
We stop infront of a door. Toga knocks at it and opens without waiting for an answer.
Riku: Toga?
Toga: Hi there! How are you feeling?
Riku: I don't know if I even feel something.
So he is like me!
Riku: Where am I?
Toga: You're in the base of the League of Villains. You got kidnapped with your friend Mina. She's here too. So come here and follow me! I want to bring you to All for One. He'll explain everything.
Riku: Oh. Okay.
He comes outside and hugs me without saying something. I don't know why but he feels important to me like what he said about the Dekusquad being like siblings but for us two. I feel like I have to protect him. This whole thing is so weird.
Mina: Are you okay?
Riku: I think so. Do you feel like we're siblings or something too?
Mina: Yeah. It's kinda weird.
Toga starts walking again so we follow. She stops infront of a big metal door and turns around to face us.
Toga: Behind that door is All for One. I won't go in there. You have to do that alone. I'll pick you up later.
Mina: Okay. Thank you Toga.
Toga: Thank you for what?
Riku: For bringing us here, answering our questions and being so nice.
Toga: Aww! Sure thing. We'll be great friends. I'll see you later!
Mina and Riku: Bye!
Riku knocks at the door. We here a "Come in!" from the other side of it so we enter. On the other side is a room with many monitors in it. In the mifdle of the room sits All for One in a throne like chair. His face is completely destroyed. I ca neither see his eyes nor his nose. He is totally scary but I still feel like he's a person I should trust. He feels like a mentor or something.
All for One: Hello you two. I already awaited your arrival. Please sit down. We sit down in the surprisingly comfortable chairs infront of him and look at him.
Riku: Toga said that you'll tell us what happened. Is that true?
All for One: Yes. That's why you're here. Ask your questions and I'll try to answer them all.
Mina and Riku: Why am I emotionless but still feel stuff for people like Toga, you and Mina/Riku?
Riku: And why am I feeling so averse to the people I have previously called my family?
Mina: And why do you villains feel like a family to me?
All for One: Please don't get mad but you're Nomous now. Well not completely. You are a new species that I created. The other test objects died but you two lived. We can't completely say how this turns out. Please understand that.
Mina: Nomous? Aren't Nomous these bird thingys with the exposed brain that follow every command that Shigaraki tells them?
All for One: Yes. With the difference that you listen to Shigaraki commands and the Nomous listen to yours.
Riku: Really?
All for One: Yes.
Mina and Riku: Cool.
Riku: But how does that work? What happens when we have different opinions? Does Shigaraki decide then?
All for One: You never have different opinions. Your brains are linked. After a bit of training you'll probably be able to talk to each other without talking and while being in different places with the conversation being in your brain. You'll probably also share dreams and hopes.
Mina: That's so cool!
Riku: Yeah! Did anything else change?
All for One: It did. Every Nomou needs at least two quirks. You aren't exceptions. First Riku. The history of your quirk is really special so listen good. The name of your quirk is One for All
The history if you don't already know it:

All for One: Understood?
Riku: Yes. But how did you get this quirk from Allmight?
All for One: The new successor of One for All has to consume the previous user's DNA. Toga collected some of his blood and we injected it into your body.
Riku: That's cool.
Mina: Now me!
All for One: Sure. Your quirk is very strong too. It is called Air Dragon. You're basically bond to a dragon who listens to your every command. He usually is really small but in fights he becomes big and strong. You can also control the element air which also gives you the ability to freely control your acid.
Mina: That's so cool! But where is this dragon?
All for One: Right here. Take what's yours.
He opens his hand and holds it in my direction. I look at what he's holding and indeed it is a small, sleeping dragon. It is just as pink as my hair and has little yellow horns. It's so cute! I take it from him.
Mina: What's the gender of the dragon and what should I call it?
All for One: Your dragon is a girl and she doesn't have a name yet. You can call her.
Mina: Can I call her Kumiko?
All for One: Sure.
Riku: Can I see her?
Mina: Yeah sure!
Kumiko (Without the babies and with yellow horns.):

Riku: She's so cute!Mina: Isn't she! She wakes up!She yawns and then looks at me with big eyes

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Riku: She's so cute!
Mina: Isn't she! She wakes up!
She yawns and then looks at me with big eyes. Her eyes have the same colors like mine. She looks so adorable! I pet her head with my thumb and she leans into the touch. She also wraps her tail about one of my other fingers.
Riku: She's so cute!
All for One: Please wait here! Toga will pick you up in a second.

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