24 - Peace

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Orochi (Bakugou) POV
It's been two years and a few months since we moved into Riku's house. The ones we were before we're announced dead three months after Kirishima, Deku and the others ran away. That was short after we decided to not be villains anymore and I stopped playing a double agent. I just stopped coming to the meetings with the heroes.
We feel better as the new people we are now. We aren't villains anymore. Miho (Toga), Saki (Mina), Ryo (Riku) and I got into college. I'm becoming a suport hero. After we were announced dead I came back to U.A. with fake papers as an exchange students. Tenko (Shigaraki), Touya (Dabi) and Kohago (Twice) are now leading the shop with Akio. They are mostly doing paperwork. In the nighttime we all work as vigilantes. We use our old connections to the villains to get information on other villains. We are kinda contract killers. This is the only way we can live out our craziness. Miho for example can barely keep herself from killing in the daytime.
Today's a day like all the others. We're in the shop: Saki is the cashier, Miho is helping an old woman to get her stuff together and me and Riku are putting stuff that was just delivered in the shelves. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder So I turn around. This is Denki! What am I supposed to do? Don't act weird! Don't act weird!
Denki: Could you help me for a second? I'm searching Cornflakes.
Orochi: It's in the shelve on the other side of the shop.
Denki: Huh? But I already searched there!
Orochi: Fine. I'll show it to you. RYO, I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!
Ryo: Okay!
I lead him to the shelve I mean and he immediately grabs three cornflake boxes.
Orochi: Isn't that a bit much?
Denki: Nope! I'm living with some friends so we need lots of cornflakes.
Orochi: That makes sense. What I wanted to ask, aren't you a pro hero? Cargebolt I think.
Denki: Yes that's me! You know me? No one knows me. That's so cool! Why do you know me?
Orochi: I was in the suport class of U.A. in the same year as you. I'm in college right now and we were told to find an young pro hero and make a suport item that would stop their greatest weakness. This is the final exam. I chose you and the "Weeeh" thing.
While saying this I move my thumbs front and back like he does after short circuiting. With the new quirk All for One gave him, it became better but in a fight with All for One he and the others lost these quirks again. I don't get why he left their birth quirks though.
Denki: That's so cool! Did you already make it?
Orochi: I have a prototype.
Denki: I could help you out! You can test it on me. Please!
Orochi: That would be great! I'm done here at 5 pm. If you could come back here then I could take you home with me and then I could explain it and you could use it in your next patrol.
Denki: That's great! I have to do my patrols in the evening today so I could use it on the same day.
Orochi: That sounds good. This should be enough time for me to explain it.
Denki: That sounds cool! Thanks! We should exchange phone numbers now? Maybe I forget it! Then you could call me.
Orochi: Good. I'll do that.
We exchange numbers. I name myself "Orochi 🤖👨🏾‍💻" in his phone and he names himself "Denki ⚡🦸🏼".
Denki: I think I need to get going. I'll see you later !
Orochi: Bye!
He pays and leaves so I go back to what I was doing before. Ryo looks at me kinda mad. Is he jealous?
Riku POV
Ryo: Who was that?
Orochi: He was friends with Bakugou.
He looks sad. I forgot that he had to leave his friends and family too. I mostly turned my sadness into rage. I think I even hit him. I love him so much but I couldn't control myself. He didn't seem to be mad though. After time my rage slowly faded. I don't think that Orochi ever showed his sadness or anger about the situation. I wonder if he thinks that he needs to be strong or if he just got over it. Anyway he's very impressive.
Denki POV
It's finally time! I'm gonna hang out with Orochi, the guy who's working in the shop. He promised me a cool new suport item. He said that we would meet at the shop so I went there where all the workers, including Orochi, are already waiting.
Orochi: Hey Denki!
Denki: Hiiiiii!
Orochi: You don't mind when they walk with us, do you? We're living in the same house.
Denki: I don't care! Hi to you too!
Everyone: Hello.
Orochi: Let's just go.
We finally arrived! It was a bit quiet while walking until the two girls started talking with me. They are so cool! One of them, Saki, seems kinda familiar but I don't know where I should know her. I asked her but she didn't knew either. Orochi unlocks the door and lets us all enter.
Denki: Is it always like this?
Saki: Yeah.
Akio: Hello kids! And hello to our guest too, of course. I'm Akio Hayashi. I own this house.
Denki: Nice to meet you Sir!
Touya: Don't worry! He is a really nice person.
Tenko: As long as you're nice to him and us.
Akio: Have fun! Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes!
Orochi: OKAY!
Denki: You're my new best friend! And no, you don't have a choice.
Orochi: Okay.
We enter a room which is full of suport items and building machines. Orochi then goes to a corner gets a box and gives me what's in it. It's a beautiful lighting bracelet!
The bracelet:

 It's a beautiful lighting bracelet! The bracelet:

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This is the prototype. Just put it on and short circuit! Then it should activate.
He gets behind an glass wall and shows me his thumbs up. I activate and do short circuit. Different than most people think I'm fully conscious in this state. I just can't control my body. It needs around ten seconds until the bracelet sends an electrical shock into my body and my brain gets fixed again.
Denki: That's so cool, Bro!
Orochi: It worked!
Denki: How does it work?
Orochi: It has a battery like thing in it. It charges with the electricity you produce and the shocks you with it when you stop using your quirk. It'll also activate on a small level of electricity you use, even if you don't short curcuit but the shocks aren't that strong then so it shouldn't hurt.
Denki: Can I try that?
Orochi: Sure.
I sent a small shock through my body and the bracelet shocks back. It feels more like a tickle though. I smile brightly at my new friend.
Denki: Thank you Orochi! You're the best!
Everyone: COMING!
Saki POV
It was a nice dinner. Denki is just as nice as I remember him. He talked about the pro heroes he's living with. They are the old Dekusquad and basically half of the former 1-A. They seem not to have changed at all. Kirishima and Izu are married since they graduated. They just went on a trip for a couple of days and came back with dimond rings on their fingers.
Denki: Hey guys?
Saki: What's wrong?
Denki: Do I know you? I mean you said no and I don't know why you feel so familiar but I'm sure I know you!
Everyone looks at Akio. He nodds and uses his quirk on us to reveal our old faces.
Touya: Before you jump up because we're villains, we aren't anymore.
Orochi: I'm sorry for lying to you but this is a rule we weren't supposed to break.
Denki: I'm not mad. I'm just sad. I, no we thought you guys were dead but now you aren't. I understand you. Haunted villains can't just live on like normal people. Why didn't you tell us before?
Saki: We didn't knew how you would've reacted.
Miho: Yeah! You're pro heroes. One wrong move and we'd be dead.
Denki: Then let's keep this secret for ouselves! I don't think they could take it.
Orochi: Thank you! You're the best.
Saki: Hey Denki? Can you take us with you sometime?
Denki: Yeah sure! This'll be so much fun!
Tenko: He's so innocent!
Miho: So adorable!

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