19 - The U.A. Traitor

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Mina POV
I knock at the door of Kiri's and Izuku's room at the exact time I told them last night. Kirishima immediately opens and gestures me inside.
Mina: Hey guys! What did I miss?
Izuku and Kirishima: We're dating now.
Mina: Cool. WAIT! WHAT?
Kirishima: Tonight Izuku couldn't sleep so he came to me and we cuddled a bit and when I woke up with him peacefully sleeping on my chest my heart melt and I asked him to be my boyfriend.
Mina: This is so adorable! How are you so pure? Anyway, we should go now. It isn't the best to let All for One wait. After that you'll meet the U.A. traitor and then we will eat breakfast. Okay?
The both show me thumbs up so I lead them to All for One's room. I open the door and step forward.
Mina: I brought them Sir.
All for One: Good. Now go out of the room. I'll either tell you to come in or I'll sent the boys outside.
Mina: Yes Sir!
I leave and close the door. They seem to talk but I can barely hear them behind the metal door. I feel something moving on my head. First I'm surprised but then I realized it was Ayaka. When I left to get Kiri and Izuku she was still sleeping so I let her sleep there. I guess she's just comfortable there. I pick her up and lay her in my hand. She cutely yawns and leans against my fingers. This makes me pet her.
I'm distracted with her until two loud screams come from the other side of the door. Ayaka hides under her wings. After a while the screaming stopped. Did he give them quirks?
All for One: MINA! COME IN!
I set Ayaka back on my head and enter. I see both of the boys unconscious on the ground. They're still breathing but really weak ans fast. I guess the have to come down from their pain.
Mina: Did you give them quirks?
All for One: I let them calm down for a bit while you read this. Get the information about their quirks!
Mina: Yes Sir!
He hands me two files. When I open it I see that these are Izuku's and Kirishima's villain profiles. They are kept by Shigaraki to plan which villain should join in which mission. Riku's quirks for example need to be used outdoors. They could also used indoors but then he would be a lot weaker and more limited in his actions and attacks. There are listed details to quirks, personality, who the person can work with, strengths and weaknesses and normal stuff about the person like name, villain name, age, years of experience and what they did before the League. Some have different villain organizations others have schools.
I turn to the two boys. They seem to awake. I walk over to them and make sure that they're fine. Kiri looks at me with an angry face.

irishima: Why didn't you warn us?
Izuku: It hurts!
Mina: I didn't know.
Izuku: What did he do?
Mina: He gave you new quirks. I'll explain them later. We should go now.
Kirishima: Oh. Okay. I type Riku to come with the traitor and we walked to the bar.
Shigaraki: You're a bit late.
Mina: Sorry! I was told to get their files. Here you go.
I give him the files in my hands. Twice and Toga grab my boys and immediately befriend them. Then Riku comes in. The traitor isn't visible but I know that he's next to the door on the other side of the wall.
Riku: Sorry for being late. First of all, hi to Izuku and Kirishima. And second, can I show him now?
Shigaraki: Yes. Come in!
He comes in and lets say we were surprised.
Izuku, Kirishima and Mina: KATSUKI BAKUGOU!?
Bakugou: Hey guys.
Mina: You're the traitor?
Bakugou: Yeah.
Izuku: You didn't knew that?
Dabi: None of us knew. Why exactly?
Riku: If one of you was a traitor or a spy he would've been arrested.
Bakugou: But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm not a traitor anymore I just stay here as a villain.
Mina: Cool! But I have a question: Since when are you the traitor?
Bakugou: Since I've been kidnapped. Remember?
Kirishima: Really? You're such a good liar.
Izuku: Yeah. He's scary, isn't he?
Kirishima: Very scary.

Toga: I have a question too! Do you like doughnuts?
Bakugou: What? How did you get from traitor to doughnuts?
Dabi: Her brain consists of fifty percent sugar and fifty percent blood. She always finds a reason to talk about one of these themes.
Bakugou: Okay. I guess I like doughnuts.
Toga: Great! Me too. Another question: What is your blood type?
Bakugou: A.
Toga: Cool. Last question: Do you like Disney?
Bakugou: I guess so.
Toga: In this case, you're now my best friend!
Bakugou: Wait! What?
Twice: You have no choice. Just accept your fate!
Riku POV
Bakugou: Fine. Can I ask questions now?
Shigaraki: Go on!
Bakugou: If you kidnapped more than just the people in this room, why aren't you convincing to be villains right now?
Dabi: Good question.
Izuku: How about we convince them first and make a party when everyone joined?
Toga: Good idea! Tell me who to torture!
Dabi: No torturing! Just convincing!
Kat (his nickname for Katsuki) walks near me and whispers in my ear.
Bakugou: Are they always like this?
Riku: Yeah. Mostly.
Bakugou: I am so sorry for you.
Riku: Thank you.
Shigaraki takes a pen and writes something on a piece of paper. Then he shows it to us. There are all the names of the people we kidnapped on it. Izuku and Kirishima are on it too but their names are crossed out.
Shigaraki: You can write your names behind the name of the person you want to take care of. Every villain only gets one person and every person gets two villains at most. Okay?
League: Yes Sir!
The list:
-Denki - Toga
-Sero - Kirishima+Bakugou
-Kaori - Mina
-Sakura - Dabi+Shigaraki
-Akira - Riku+Izuku

Shigaraki: Good. Let's start! If anyone convinced his victim you call me. Got that?
League: Yes Sir!

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