Chapter 0 - prologue

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It was in the year 2032 when the aliens had first invaded, and now it was the year 2049, 17 years since the invasion.  The aliens had killed off all the adults and everyone over the age of 14 to ensure a better human race could be created by putting the children in suspended animation to help them forget the time before the invasion and that day.

The kids would stay in suspended animation for a few years to help their mind to forget as well as ensure their  body would be safer in the new world of earth they had created.  When a kid was let out their pod at a specific time, they were assigned an alien who would be like a mother to them, looking after them, to teach them right while growing up.

The aliens were different than humans thought, not strange grey things with big black eyes and tiny bodies.  They were a race of all females that could breed.  They were tall with light purple skin, orange like eyes and black hair. They had ears but looked like it had soft fur or what looked like feathers around them, making them look long.  All the aliens had markings on their face that helped tell them apart from each other along with different hair styles.

Every Kid who woke up were checked over and had a tracker implanted in to them that wasn't fun, but most forgot about with some light medication, the tracker wax in a place that no one could take out without being really invasive. 
The kids were grouped by colour of their clothes to help the aliens know how to act around them of what to be careful of.   Kids in white uniform had problems with health that aliens were using to help advance their medicine and maybe cure it. 
Light blue uniforms were kids that had skills in medicine and had smarts and a keen interest in specific medical fields.  Green uniforms were kids who dealt and had an interest in the gardening and doing things around plants.  Orange uniforms were kids who wanted to build and do things around that field.  Kids in red usually did odd jobs for the aliens that needed another set of hands.  Their was a black uniform but hadn't been used since the early years after the invasion, for special cases.

When kids got to the age of 19 and 20 they would be put through training and tests for a job they would be assigned when being relaxed from the facility, as long as they attended monthly heath checks, most didn't mind.
They were protected, as some aliens around earth didn't like the way things were living with humans.
They were known as deserters who were denounced and banished, they usually were living in isolation away from others if they were able to escape punishment, as in many years ago, they ate other species using them as food and their own pets or toys, but they adapted and decided to live with other species like humans than being barbaric monsters.   Hence, health visits and protection and laws are similar but more clear and precise than humans. 

The towns and labs had protection around towns and the labs, it was like invisible fences around places that it detected humans and wouldn't harm them, only to harm undocumented aliens or creatures as they had technology to detect an identity and either let them pass or electrocute them alarming people.

The world lived normally without any problems in the past 14 years, with the small things happening here and their with deserters. But it was relatively fine until one facility had something unexpected happen one day that hadn't happened in so many years.

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