Prologue: Anticipation

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There is a famous quote attributed by a former Ruler of the Soviet Union:

"Quantity has a Quality all of its Own."

As a dark-blue haired, young teenage boy took in the number of the adversaries staring him down, he started to see the point that the wise, though sometimes said to be insecure Josef Stalin had been trying to make.

The teenager in question looked somewhere 15 and 16 years, he stood in the middle of a field of debris, his body cut and bruised.

In his hands was a futuristic sword in the shape of a Japanese Katana, the blade held parallel to the ground.

A short distance from the young teen was a gathering of other teenage boys of the same age as him, they surrounded him on all sides, and like him, each of them was armed.

Some were brandishing swords; single or double edge, other had spears with different heads, some were holding axes, halberds, hammers, longbows, morning stars, few of them were even duel wielding the afer mentioned weapons.

The diversity of the armaments just went on and on.

Quite the assortment going on here, there's variety for days. The katana user chuckled nervously to himself.

Though, I would prefer if the business ends weren't all directed at me.

He had the katana ninety degrees in front of him in a defensive stance so that's the blade's edge faced upward, allowing him to keep an eyes on the adversaries behind him.

Still keeping his eyes on his opponents, he turned part of his attention towards his body, assessing his condition.

Alright, so the injury on my left arm will inhibit my capability to swinging my sword with both of my hands,

Good news, the wound has stopped bleeding, so the cut will heal soon and then I'll have full use again.

Bad news; the blood has made the handle of my weapon slick and I doubt these guys will give me a chance to clean it, without attacking me.

Indeed, the group before him, was watching his movements closely, looking for an opportune moment to strike, he'd rather not do anything to set them off.

Secondly, my right knee is still twisted, so I can't put too much weight on it until heals, so that will hinder the strength of stance for a time.

He cast a quick glance to the sky, and ominous dark clouds looked back at him.

And the possibility of wet ground, won't do my footing any favour either.

The dark-blue haired teen sighed. No matter how you look at it Kazuya, you are in for a rough fight.

But in spite of the circumstances, Kazuya grinned.

Well, one of reasons I came to West Genetics was to find out what I would be capable of in situations like this…

He tightened his hold on the sword's handle, and breathed in slowly and evenly, centering his mind.

... Overcoming the odds is part of being of an Aoi.

And so Kazuya waited patiently,

For his opponents,

To make their move.

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