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Tweek Tweak and Craig Tucker•


<<You should tell him, Craig.>>
Said Clyde, breaking the silence.
<<Should I?>>
Craig asked.
<<Dude, it's too obvious.>>
Replied Token.
The dark haired boy took a look at his friends: they were right, he had to tell Tweek about his feelings before it was too late.

But one thing was stopping him: fear. Craig Tucker was scared and insecure...he couldn't believe it as well.
What could he do? Tweek, that little guy who loved to hang out with, was too important for Craig.
What if he lost him because of his feelings? He was terrorised about it.
"They are right, I have to do it...", he thought.
But he would organise something special to confess his feelings to the blonde boy.
He wouldn't confess through some shitty jokes, like his "dear and precious" friend Jimmy Valmer advised.

<<I have to go.>>
He simply said it, while getting up and going out of Clyde's house, without giving an explanation.
But the other guys didn't say nothing, since they knew Craig and also the way he acted.
<<Think, you bastard, think...>>
Craig said to himself.
It took a while to come back home.
What about taking Tweek to a restaurant? No, at all. To the cinema? There were no interesting movies to watch.
Watching Netflix together at Craig's house? Maybe...but he had to set up the perfect mood.

Wait, what about stars? Stars? Of course! He would take Tweek to watch stars together. He definitely got it...
<<I must buy everything to make this date perfect. >>
He said, starting to enter in the various shops.
He knew that Tweek would be happy even with small and simple things, but Craig thought that the blonde definitely deserved better.
He absolutely had to make everything perfect.
<<Yeah, I'll fucking do it.>>
After he finished, he finally came back home.
Well, it was really late, so his parents went mad...but, honestly, he couldn't give a shit.

"Hi, Tweek. Wanna hang out tomorrow at night on the mountain? At ten 'o clock. I have something important to tell you."
And then, Tweek accepted; so Craig finally went to bed.
The day passed really fast, and the moment to confess was really close.
"Now or never again."
He thought.
Everything was ready; nothing could ruin that night besides a refuse, which could hurt more than anything else.

There were only ten minutes left, but Tweek was already there.
Well, Craig wasn't surprised at all: he knew the blonde boy, after all.
Tweek certainly didn't expect to receive a surprise like that, and he seemed to understand what Craig was going to tell him...he really hoped he wasn't wrong.
<<Craig, I...>>
But before he could finish what he was saying, Craig stopped him and told him to sit right next to him.

And when the blonde reached him, Craig had the courage to speak...for the star boy it was quite unexpected.
<<Hey, Tweek. I know you didn't expect nothing like that, but I'll be honest: me neither. And if it wasn't for Clyde, Token and Jimmy, I probably wouldn't be here...while watching stars with you just to tell you something very important. No, I'm not going to follow Jimmy's advices, but it is thanks to him too...>>
Tweek was just listening, and he laughed a little bit.
<<Tweek, I've hidden this to you for a long time, but now I'm tired. I'm really tired of hiding the truth.>>
The blonde was speechless, he didn't know what to say.

And then, Craig looked straight in his eyes.
<<The truth, Tweek, is that I...>>
He softly held his hands while speaking.
<<I like you, Tweek. Not only as friend or as a best friend...I really like you, in that way. Every time I look at you, every fucking time I talk to you...my fucking dumb heart beats so fucking fast, I feel so fucking free when I'm with you. And this feeling it's just so beautiful...I love you, Tweek. But I don't mind if you don't like me back...we can always stay friends, but I hope things won't be embarrassing between us...>>

The blonde was silent at first, but sooner he hugged the star boy, and then kissed him.
That kiss was short, but so pure and sweet at the same time...
<<Listen, Craig: I love you too. I wish I could say it a long time ago, but I was afraid of loosing you as well. You don't know how much you make me happy, Craig. When you're with me I'm not afraid, I feel like I can do everything. And this is so beautiful...>>
The shorter guy replied, while looking into the star boy's eyes.
Everything was so perfect, even that silence that there were after those two confessions.

<<Tweek Tweak...>>
Spoke softly Craig.
<<Craig Tucker...>>
Replied the other one.
<<Do you want to be my boyfriend? For real?>>
<<I would really like to...>>
Craig fucking did it.
The two boys were so happy...they both knew about each others feelings and they were really happy that everything was mutual.
That great and perfect date ended with another sweet, but passionate, kiss.


A/N: school is literally killing me, so updates are really slow :(
I'm sorry.
Creek is my big comfort ship, by the way. I logically had to write a one-shot about these two guys.
I hope I didn't make too many mistakes by writing, but let me know if I did some.
I need to improve, so I'll correct them :'3

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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