Prologue: The Lion on the Prowl

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Causes of Death are numerous and abundant. Old age, sickness, murder, suicide, euthanization or even accidents. But these days, there's one thing that people fear the most, we call it, Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC). A worldwide phenomenon that occurred some time after the Great Cataclysm. With no warning a person could suddenly burst into flames, transforming into charred misshapen fire monsters, dubbed Infernals. The Special Fire Force was formed to uncover the secrets and nature of SHC as well as purify the souls of those who become Infernals.

(Y/N) Lionheart: Third Gen Pyrokinetic, First-Class Fire Soldier of Special Fire Force Company 8 and Host of the Beast of fire Volcanion. His missions and adventures will most certainly unveil extraordinary mysteries and revelations.

"Tokyo. According to the teachings of The Holy Sol Temple, the Tokyo Empire is said to have been the only safe haven for civilization when the Great Cataclysm fell upon the world, resulting in continents being ripped and thus becoming inhabitable". 

"Afterwards, The Holy Sol Temple and Haijima Industries worked together and built the Amateratsu. An enormous amount of power and life was granted to the empire, allowing more people to migrate and settle in the Tokyo Empire and more technological growth along with it".

"Well, that's what the Temple tells everyone that is. Whether or not it's the real truth remains to proven. Some people don't bother questioning their teachings".

"There are too many unknowns, and there are many skeptics who seeks answers to the elusive question. Some more personal than others".

It was a bright morning within the Tokyo Empire. The atmosphere exerted a calm and serene feel to it. Many civilians up and about carrying out their usual routines or jobs for the day. Among the crowd, was a young man draped in a long dark overcoat hoodie causally waltzing down to the streets. His coat swayed with the wind as he made his way to nearby store.

The entrance rung alerting the owner to his costumer.

"Hello sir. Looking for any in particular"? The owner greets.

"Nah. Just a drink". The young man replied.

He quickly browses through the store, picking up a can of root beer and hands it to the owner.

"That'll be 550 yen sir". The owner states and the young man hands him the cash, 550 yen exact.

"Thank you very much". The perform the trade and the young man immediately began drinking.

"It's a nice day isn't it"? The owner starts up small talk.

"Haven't heard any serious events going lately".

"What with all the infernal cases that have happened, it's nice to enjoy and appreciate the calm. 

"That's true". The young man replies as he continues gulping down his root beer.

Although moments later...

A loud explosion followed by an alarm that blares through the district.


The store owner looks concern while the young man remained calm.

"Some things don't last forever. That's why you should always take time to relish the good things in life". The young man calmly stated.

Heralds of Fire (Male Volcanion Reader x Fire Force)Where stories live. Discover now