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Gangster Royalty

Authors Pov

The sound of the rounds being set off, followed by the drop of the now lifeless body ricochet off the dull walls of the abandoned warehouse, the echo slowly fading into nothing. The hands of the murderer being wiped of his blood, as the murder weapon is gently handled by one the bodyguards.

"Clean up, I'm late for a 'meeting'."

The short figure dressed in all black uttered, before making his way out of said warehouse, the strong stench of gasoline diffused into the air immediately being replaced by thick clouds of smoke as the building burnt to the ground.

Yoongi's Pov
Watching my phone blow up with calls as I tried, but miserably failed at getting the remaining blood off of my hands. Getting annoyed by both occurrences, I gave up on trying to clean my hands as picked up my phone, putting it on speaker phone, before tossing the device back onto the leather seat.

"State your business and make it quick."

Not having the patience to deal with or tolerate anything right now, as my Secretary spoke my tolerance plummeted, greatly. Rubbing my temples to withhold an in coming headache.

"You know what, I'm to tired to deal with this bullshit. Tell them that I will not be dealing with anything other than the meeting I am currently heading to, today so whatever problem they have they better figure it out by themselves until tomorrow."

I didn't let her get another word out before ending the call, continuing to soothe my head for the rest of the ride knowing that my mood was already foul, I didn't need an attitude in front of some stuck up royals and powerful people to make it worse.

Fixing up my outfit that consisted of a now navy blue tux coat with matching slacks, dress shoes and a black shirt, pulling on matching leather gloves, as I knew I would be pulled a side multiple times. Walking out as soon as the door had been opened by the valet.

Nodding to my men, we entered the overly extravagant hotel, the rich men laughing amongst themselves, as their trophy wives hung off them like jewelry. Rolling my eyes at the single ladies or married by contract 'wifes' gossiping to one another.

Taking a glass of sparkling wine off the waiters tray while walking by, knowing that I wouldn't last a single conversation without one. As I scanned the area for the host, my mate or maybe even a hook-up, cause I seriously needed to let off some steam, but here's the problem, a common misconception about a lot of mafia leaders or anyone who works in or for the mafia is that we are 'trains, cause apparently 'everybody gets a ride.'

Which is far from the truth, cause you see I'm a virgin, no one has ever, touched down there, other than my doctor, my physical examiner and myself.

Letting my eyes wander, I was met with multiple eyes just not the ones I was looking for, losing interest in my target, I walked over to one of the highly decorated tables and sat down while observing what the filthy rich do best, Talk. Sipping the sweet liquor that slid down my throat with a light sting to it but with really no effect.

While showing no interest in anything around me, I heard the scraping of chairs against the polished tiles as the table I was sitting at by myself quickly got filled up by distilled ladies, feeling one of them grab my arm I didn't give them the time of day hoping that they would leave me alone.

Disappointed with the lack of proper liquor and response I wanted from the women, I set the glass down just as a figure stood next to me, looking up to meet their eyes, I was met with the coffee Brown eyes of non other than Jake Gyllenhaal, or the host. A sickening smirk sat on his face, on display for the world to see as he had the nerve to size me up.

Closing my eyes to ensure he doesn't see me role my eyes, I opened the to see the Bitch less than a ruler away from me as the ladies were no where to be seen, at least I don't have to worry about that anymore, seeing my men heading towards us, I raised up my glass to take a sip of it, signaling them to do nothing and wait for further instructions.

"Hello Mr.Gyllenhaal, lovely party you have here."

"You have a way with words don't you Yoongi, but thank you and long time no see, what have you been up to?"

"Well just busy as always, how's Lyla, Violet and Monica?"

"They're all well and what about you, any significant other I should be aware of?"

"No offense but lovers are kind of over rated, but to answer you question no, I'm waiting on my mate."

"Traditional as always Yoo-"

Just as he was about to continue his sentence the crowd suddenly went silent, all obnoxious talking lowering to nothing above a whisper. Obviously my interest is peaked as it must be someone of a higher status than most in the room and that's saying something.

While standing up I was met with a faint mixture of intoxicating scents, and that does nothing but add fuel to the fire. Making my way through the crowds noticing the number of people disrupting the usually noisy banquet, 6 different colours of hair peak over all the other guests.

Slowly but surely I made my way towards the 6 men, the increase in the scents had my heart thumping in my chest. It was so loud I could hear it in my ears, finally getting through the crowd I was met with 6 of the most beautiful people on the planet. I felt my heart continue to hammer against my ribcage, as my wolf went ballistic yelling 'mate, mate, mate' over and over again.

Time just stopped as I waited for a reaction from my mates, hoping it wasn't rejection, my wolf whimpered at the thought of being rejected. The whispers around us did nothing but thicken the tension between the 7 of us but as per usual, I blocked them out.

We all stood there looking are one another before a smirk spread and everyone of their faces and almost everyone was suddenly on the ground, the thick smell of pheromones erupted into the air, forcing everyone to submit, with my ego and pride standing in the way of submitting to them.

Watching their smirks turn into frowns, smirking at their reaction but quickly cocked my head trying to be innocent which replaced those frowns with scowls. Chuckling lightly, I didn't even realize that they were walking towards me until a hand came in contact with my waist, immediately halting my actions as the touch sent waves of electricity through my body.

Relaxing in his hold, I placed my head on his chest not really caring about anything other than my mates. Realising I didn't know anything about them, I gently pulled back cocking my head in a questioning manner, he must have understood as he pulled me towards the lobby.

We made it to the elevator, with all of us in we made our way up.

"So this isn't an attempted kidnap, right? cause I'm not in the mood to beat all of your pretty little asses tonight."

"No it's not, you wanted to know more about us right well why don't we do that when we are alone and not surrounded by well...everyone."

Nodding in a agreement, I felt a hand snake around my waist before pulling me towards him, when looking up to see what the bold person looked like, I was met with.....a......bunny? Don't get me wrong he's very attractive, it's just he looks like an actual bunny........

Holding back a coo, I let him hold me but obviously I wasn't just gonna stand there and not do anything back so I snuck both arms around his exceptionally small waist, feeling him tense and then relax under my grasp feeling a bit cheeky, I squeezed his waist drawing a gasp from his plump lips not failing to notice the blush that spread across his face.

The elevator finally came to a stop at the top floor before the doors opened filing out of it in pairs with the one with the purple hair leading us. Not knowing that knowing these people would forever complete my life


Part 2 coming soon

And thank you for th 10k+ reads not this book, 8k+ reads on Eyes on the Prize, and the 300 reads on the random book of ideas <3<3<3!!!
I don't give you guys enough credit but thank you TTWTT

I purple you,
I wuv you,
I appreciate you.
And Happy pride month

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