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Brothel Au

Jungkook Pov

Is all I heard while walking towards my house after a along day at work and my cruel boss being thee irrelevant thing he is making me work until the ungodly hour of 1:00am, which is currently the time, or something along those lines.

In all honesty, I didn't want to go back home immediately because of my dad, ever since I came out as gay, he disowned me but since my grandmother loves me and my father is weak towards his mum he kept me, but under poor conditions.

My relationship with my family is also very shaky so I avoids all gatherings and usually works, as much as I miss being around them, I do anything to forget the negative.

Being the smart person I am, with all the knowledge of such case scenario's from watching a boat load of cringy horror and thriller movies to know not to check it out continued walking until I heard the cry of a baby, which is what caught my weak heart, and told me that I had to go and check or I would never be able to live with myself due to the guilt of a vulnerable child left out in the dangerous world.

As much as I was all for helping a child, I didn't have a good feeling about this, like my heart said yes but my head said no so I just gave up on thinking because I was dead tired and my body was being selfish only think about itself.

I followed the cries with lead me to an ally way, I entered the ally way, which had me on high alert but apparently not high enough because it took me a second to figure out what was happening but it was to late, I had been injected with a liquid, I couldn't see but it was probably a drug like chloroform which had me out in a second, the last thing I saw was the smirk of an otherwise masked group of men.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up with a pounding headache, slowly trying to piece out what was going on once my brain caught up to me, I realised I was chained up in a room with a group of people.

The events that happened before slowly crashed over me which made me internally facepalm as this could have been avoided, but oh well, I slowly started to realise what kind of situation I was actually in and that is when the door swung open revealing some men in black (HeRe CoMe ThE mEn In BlAcK) and some women in white dresses.

Each woman had a male escort, since we we're chained we couldn't do anything apart from struggle anyway we could, it was all in vain once the women all had trays, that i only just noticed, sedating all of us with pity filled eyes, before the men unchained us and walked out with us one by one.

Once out the door I was brought to a crisp white room and taken into the shower, I looked around with panic in my eyes as the man set me upright against the bath tub and walked out, as soon as the man was out of the bathroom, a woman came in with a tray sprawled with different oils, shampoos, body washes and ran a bath.

On that exact tray there was another syringe, I tried speaking but my mouth felt too heavy to move as well as the fact that my throat was dry and scratchy that I couldn't form coherent words, let alone sentences, I tried a different approach by giving her pleading eyes which seemed to affect her but she looked like she was fighting herself.

In the end all I got was a faint 'sorry' from her before everything went black I could still feel everything thing that was happening to me, though my body refused to open my eyes with all of my limbs shut down and resting in the bath tub.

She undressed me, I could feel the embarrassment of being naked creep up my neck, in front of me was someone that I hadn't met before and they had seen more than all of my past partners. Disgusted, to say the least, that this was being done against my own will and the will of another person but what could I do, I don't even know where I am, so fighting sounded like a waste of energy.

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