JiminxBTS part II

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After snuggly placing the blind over his Hazel eyes.
I made my way around the table in which he was laid upon and grabbed the wooden paddle placed in the center of our wall of......


The material was firm and smooth to he touch, but made for the perfect disciplinary device when used with the right force.
Tracing the curves of Jimin's figure with the rounded tip.

Along his ankles, up his calves and the rounding of his hips. I hovered around the dip of his slim waist before tracing up to his toned abdomen and laying it across his stomach.
With each slight movement the paddle made, a visible shiver would travel along his skin. Smirking at the effect I had on our youngest nestmate had my heart swelling, which grew with every second I pondered on that thought.

Lifting the paddle from where it laid, I grabbed him by his abdomen and flipped him over to face the table. Landing with a disgruntled groan, I smirked at my obviously upset mate.

Ignoring his mood, I rubbed the back of his left thigh with the face of the paddle, eliciting another shiver before striking his thigh. A soft whimper fell from Jimin's red bitten lips as tears began to trickle into his eyes.

It was a pretty sight to behold. He shifted slightly, but for the most part stayed still, smiling lightly at his display of discipline before bringing the paddle down again on the opposite thigh this time, a whine slipping from his lips.

"This is how we are going to do this. I'm going to paddle you, and you are going to count until I stop while saying,'Thank you daddy". Alright?"

"Y-yes daddy"

"Good, now. Let us start"


"One. T-thank you, Daddy,"


"T-two. T-thank you, Daddy,"

Continuing the onslaught on his thighs alternating between them with hard strikes and light thwacks, he continued to choke out the numbers while whimpering out the 'thank you's'. Abruptly stopping after 20 strikes.

"T-twent-ty! Th-than-ank yo-ou da-addy!"

He shook violently as silent sobs wracked his smaller form, putting the paddle down. Walking around his quivering form, I reached out to unclasp the handcuffs around his wrists.

Soothing the reddening skin with a gentle but brief massage before trailing my fingers down his spine and down to the now bright red milky thighs. Soothing the tense and achy muscles, with moans slipping from his lips, until the shivering died down to mere twitches every other moment.

"Jiminie? Are you okay baby?"

Jimin had clearly fallen into subspace as he could only let out low moans and whimpers in response. A smile tugged at my lips as I slipped out of the mood, looking around I was met with the sight of aftercare being given to a dazed Kook and a sleepy Tae.

Picking Jimin up bridal style before walking out of the main room and into a connecting adjacent bathroom, the colour palate changed- not drastically- but it was noticeable. The rich red bled into a deep brown and black marble tile set up, trailing to large jacuzzi-style bath tub in the center if the room, I carefully placed him on the protruding side.

Leaning over the side of the tub to turn the water on while placing a cocktail of a scented bathbomb and body wash, letting it foam, I monitored the temperature knowing that Jimin is rather sensitive to certain temperatures. When it was just about right, I grabbed him, placing him at the head of the tub.

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