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It's  been a few months since we settled into our new home. I wish I could say that everything was going swimmingly, but it's not. 

I am struggling to keep up with my job and my children at the same time, I'm the First Lady of the United States but I'm also a mother of two very small children.

I hate that I have to leave them for extended periods of time to work, but buissness has to be taken care of. I never got a nanny for the children because I never wanted them to just be raised by a nanny, but I can't just keep leaving them with their secret service agents! 

Although sometimes Jack's parents come and take the children for the day, which is good because they can spend time with their grandparents. The little ones love it when their grandparents take them to feed the ducks at the park. On days that I'm not swamped with work sometimes I will join them. It's so sweet to see little John throw huge wads of bread in the pond and scream, "DUCKIES I HAVE FOOD!" 

I hate that I can't spend as much time with them as I used to be able to, but the situation with their father is much worse. 

Don't get me wrong, Jack is a great father, but he has the most important job in the country and has to wake up early and stay up late dealing with buissness. He does try his best to take breaks and play with the kids for a little while outside, and sometimes he has them come visit them in his office. 

Jack has been great though. He has settled into his job well, and the people seem to be adjusting to my husband's administration pretty well. Of course there were the people who thought that the Kennedys thought that they were entitled to the job, or think whatever else about us. But there were the others who were ecstatic to have my husband in the White House, and are very supportive of what he is doing. 

Sundays have been like the eye in the middle of the storm. We put aside work and everything else on Sunday so that we can all attend mass as a family. I love getting to go to church as a family because it preserves just a little bit of normalcy for our children. 

I'm also not too fond of the fact that anytime I want to do anything with my children outside of the White House we have secret service men breathing down our necks. I know it's just for our protection, but I just hate it for them because they can't have a normal trip to the park like a normal child. 

It has definitely been an adjustment, that's for sure. But with spring break fast approaching, Jack and I agreed that we would leave work behind and just spend time with our children.

We are going to a little island in the US Virgin Islands called St Thomas, and I'm pretty excited, although I'm not super excited to see how the kids are going to do on the plane, as they have not been on a long flight before. 

I am so looking forward to the ocean and the sand between my toes though, I just need a chance to relax. The past few months have just felt like getting kicked repeatedly in the stomach. 

Unexplored Terrain • John Schlossberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now