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TW: there are parts of this chapter that contain blood, so if that makes you uncomfortable, you should probably skip to the last part of the chapter. 

For the rest of our stay in St Thomas we hardly set foot on the beach again. So much for a relaxing family vacation in the Caribbean. 

Tabloids had been notified of our stay, which meant that photographers were stationed on the beach at all times hoping to catch a glimpse of our family. 

When we left our room at the resort, we would do so only to go to the pool or one of the restaurants surrounding the resort. Most of our time was spent at the pool in fact, the pool was more far more crowded than the beach, which meant it was more difficult for the press to get photographs of our family. 

Actually, after striking up our complaints about our privacy issues to the hotel staff they agreed that the press were not to be allowed inside of the resort. 

However the day we left for Washington was the highlight of my week so far. Not a single person bothered us on the tarmac, except for the secret service of course, but it was great nonetheless.

When we landed at St Andrews in Washington we were greeted by staff and several of my friends. I was confused at first as to what they were doing here, until we all climbed into the limousine that would take us back to the White House. When I got in I was greeted with streamers and balloons and tons and tons of confetti. 

I must've worn an expression of shock on my face, because Jack laughed and said, "Y/n, you didn't seriously forget that today's your birthday did you?!" As a matter of fact I did. 

But I guess that's correct, we left on the 17 of March, which means that today is the 25 of March. I can't believe I forgot my own birthday! 

When we got back to the White House we put the kids down for a nap, and Savannah and Kylee told me all about the big dinner they had planned to celebrate my birthday tonight. 

They got me all dolled up for dinner while the kids were sleeping, and read the guest list off to me while they did so. Several Senators and representatives were scheduled to be in attendance as well as some family members and old college friends of mine and Jack's. They really had thought of everything! 

Once the children awoke, I dressed them for dinner, and we went downstairs to the south lawn so that they could play on their play set for a few minutes. It was simple moments like this that kept me sane! I could almost pretend we were just your average, normal family. 

Jack came outside a few moments later, dressed to impress in a very fine navy suit (my favorite color), which looked very nice on him I might add. 

He kissed the top of my head, and we stood watching the children as they chased after each other. 

"Caroline don't step in that puddle!" I shouted, right as she was about to run straight through a muddy puddle, "do not get your dress dirty, we don't have time to change before dinner!" 

"Speaking of dinner," Jack said, "I think it's time we got moving, it starts in ten minutes." 

With that the children ran to us, and John jumped up into Jack's arms. 

It was at that moment that I saw the flashing of lights in the setting sun. Oh my, here we go again, I thought. 

Jack and I looked over to the fence line where there were two photographers stationed. At this point I didn't have the capacity to worry about them, so I have them a friendly wave and we started inside. We made our way to the entrance hall so that we could greet the guests as they made their way to the state dining room. 

Unexplored Terrain • John Schlossberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now