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Over the next few weeks, Jack and I sort of eased up on our duties so that we could recover from the traumatic incident on my birthday. 

We spent more time with our children, grateful that we at least had two healthy kids. They made us laugh, which made the grieving process easier. 

The American public noticed our withdrawal from our duties, and began speculating all kinds of things. Some even thought that one of us had died, but others just put it off as Politics in general wing less crazy than usual. There wasn't really anything going on with Congress at the moment, so that's believable. 

However, Jack and I had absolutely no intention of telling the country about the miscarriage. 


"Oh my gosh!" Jack and I were watching MSNBC in the main sitting hall while the children played with legos on the floor. The senate minority leader's picture was displayed on the screen, but the words underneath it caught both of us by surprise. 

Addison Mitch McConnell III   February 20, 1942- April 15, 2032. 

Yeah of course Mitch was getting older, he was 90 for crying out loud, but neither of us expected him to go so soon. The queen of  England was still alive and kicking at the ripe old age of 106, even though most of her duties were being carried out by her son. 

Though we weren't part of the same party as Mitch, he was there when Jack and I began our Senate careers. 

"Members of the McConnell family have announced that they will be holding the funeral for the former minority leader this Sunday, the 20 of April, 2032 in the Senate chamber. Mr. McConnell's body will lie in state until the service, and the senate will adjourn for today and the following day." 

I looked over at Jack who looked back at me, "I suppose we should attend his funeral, don't you?" I asked. 

"Yes, we should. It's the respectful thing to do." He responded. 

The next day we headed up to the Capitol to pay our respects to the Senator, and we brought the children along so that we could tell them about Mr. McConnell. 

We actually took a trip down to the senate chamber with a few other senators who insisted on showing the children around. 

It was cute watching them run around the chamber, and watching their eyes get all big when we told them that we used to work in there as well. We showed them our old seats and they had a field day. Caroline made me take several pictures of them sitting in our old seats, and it was definitely crazy seeing them sitting in the same seats we sat in when we met. Where did all of that time go? 

Senator Romney even took the kids up to the big desk up front and let the kids sit up there. It was adorable! John absolutely loved it, pretending to boss everyone around and all. And the best part was that I could barely see the top of his little caramel colored curls from where I stood in the back of the room. 

After that we all headed back to the White House, and we let the kids play around for a little bit before dinner. 

Then after dinner we all watched a movie together before we put the kids to bed. We had recently integrated nighttime prayers into the kids night routine since they were now of the ages where they sort of understood what they meant. 

On Wednesday night I took Caroline along with me to see a performance of the opera Carmen, and it was great. She really loved seeing all of the singers. I have to say I was a little bit surprised she liked it so much, most kids don't enjoy things of that nature. 

But when we got home she couldn't stop singing! I think we may have a future singer on our hands! Or perhaps a musician. She kept pointing to the violin section of the orchestra while we were there, and when we got back from the concert, she insisted on showing Mr. Chad her newfound violin skills (Kyle Chad is her secret service agent). But whatever she decides to do, I know she will be great at it.

Sunday was a busy day, we woke up early for mass, and then we went home for a quick lunch and changed into different clothes of the mourning sort. 

A black suit for Jack, a black Dress for me,  a white collared shirt with a black skirt and black suspenders for Caroline, and a white collared shirt with black shorts and black suspenders for John. 

As we walked out the door I threw little black coats over the children's heads, it was still a little bit chilly in Washington, and we headed over to the Capitol. 

When we arrived we found our seats among those in the Gallery. As per protocol, all the senators were sitting at their desks, except for Mr. McConnell who's desk was decorated elegantly with a display of flowers. 

His casket was positioned at the front of the room, and was covered with an American Flag. 

I'm very proud of the children, they did an excellent job during the service. They weren't loud or anything. Perhaps they were just mesmerized by the happenings, they've never been to a funeral before, but I'll take it! 

After the service, we were all tired, and I'm sure the kids were just exhausted, so we went home and let the kids run around the yard and play on their swing set for a few minutes while dinner was being prepared. 

Then we all ate dinner and settled in for the night. 

Sooo, I'm kind of running out of ideas for this story. I mean, I have a general idea of where I want it to end, just nothing for the in between. If you have any ideas or anything you want me to add to the story, please comment! 

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