Bucky Barnes Imagine

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(Author's note -

Feel free to ask for an imagine!

But Marvel Characters only! < )

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You and Bucky have been dating for about six months now, he has told you everything about Hydra and Shield and what they did to him. At first you were shocked, then angry, then upset, how could anyone do something like this?


One cold night you were alone in your small apartment, reading an old book you had found in the library in town. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door, you quickly put down your book and hurried over, it sounded urgent. You slowly opened the door to see your boyfriend. Bucky Barnes, or as Hydra calls him, the Winter Soldier.

He was beaten and had blood dripping from his nose and lip, and he also had a black eye. "Bucky! What happened!?" You gasped, opening the door wider and helping him inside, he sat on the couch, sighing lowly to himself.

"I-I'm fine" he finally said, looking up at you. You instantly crossed your arms and shook your head, "tell me.. And your not fine!! Look at you!!" You snapped, you hated seeing him like this, you were extremely protective over him. "(Y/n) please, I'm fine" he said softly, getting up and cupping your cheek.

You felt his cold metal hand touching your cheek, it sent a soft shiver down your spine. You looked up into his dark eyes and sighed, "I'm sorry.. I just, I worry I about you.." You whisper sadly. Bucky's eyes become sad and he gently kissed your forehead. "(Y/n).. Don't worry about me.. I'm fine" he smiled.

You nodded and smiled a little, as he sat down again and you went to get some wer towels and such, you came back out to Bucky and sat down beside him. You picked up a wet towel and gently dabbed his face, trying to get the blood off. "Bucky.. What happened?" You asked again, desperatly wanting to know.

"I got attacked.. No big deal I'm fine.." He sighed. He winced every so often, the cuts stinging him when you dabbed them with the wet towel. You sighed to yourself and finished cleaning his face,  you grabbed your hairbrush and giggled,  as Bucky's eyes widened.

"(Y/n)... No! No! No!" He stuttered, hasting it when you brushed his hair. "Aw please!?" You begged, he groaned and crossed his arms. "Fine.." He muttered, as you happily sat with him and brushed his hair, quickly doing a braid without him noticing.

After a few minutes you handed him a mirror and his eyes widened, "did- you?.. Out my hair in a braid!?" He snapped. You giggled and kissed the back of his head, as you were behind him. He turned around and grabbed your wrists playfully, pinning you back against the couch, "(Y/n) I thought I told you not to braid my hair.." He purred, kissing your neck gently, you gasped and closed your eyes.

"Whoops.." You smirked, as Bucky looked back up at you and winked, kissing your lips passionatly.

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