Bucky Barnes Imagine

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Author's note - Wow, it's been so long since I've been on here. I just want to thank you all so much for bothering to read my crappy writing, and it means a lot, especially since I hope to develop my writing skills and hopefully publish a book in the coming future. After taking a long break from Wattpad, I decided to come back. I don't know if I'll be posting regularly due to upcoming exams, but I have free time on my hands right now so enjoy this one shot/ Imagine. x 

You hadn't seen James in so long. Every part of you worried for him, and hoped for his return any day now, but still nothing.

You had met James only a short while ago while at the market. It seemed like only yesterday when you were buying fruit and such, minding your own business until you became too distracted by your own thoughts.

You were crossing a narrow road to your apartment building when a car appeared out of nowhere and was close to mowing you down like some animal. You had to admit, it was partially your own fault. You were too focused on the recent events with the Avengers, and how they had destroyed Sokovia and many people living within it.

That's what the news said anyway. That they were all monsters- but you thought otherwise. They had saved countless lives.. and if they didn't help, maybe the world would've been in danger. The politics of it all seemed ridiculous, which led you to getting frustrated by your own thoughts which resulted in near death.

Yet, someone saved you. You had felt something or someone wrap their arm around you and yank you backward.

"Oh my god-" You had yelped breathlessly as the car roared past, with the driver shouting back at you.

"Watch where you're going!" he snapped bitterly but was in too much of a hurry to stop and argue. As for your savior, you had turned and were surprised to see a very handsome looking man staring down at you. Almost with confusion.

"Thank you so much- Gosh- I'm so sorry-" You were stuttering like crazy, until the mystery man interrupted you and saved you from an awkward silence.

"You're saying sorry because I saved your life?"

He smiled. His smile was adorable and you would've stood there all day to look at it if it wasn't for your busy schedule with work. That had reminded you that you were late, but meeting this stranger seemed worth it.

In response to his comment you simply laughed awkwardly and he didn't take his eyes off you.

"I was just- thinking about something.. Thank you so much though- I really don't know what to say.. is there anything I can do to thank you??" 

The male just shook his head.

"No, no. You just be careful." Then he was gone. His accent made you wonder where he was from, but you didn't stick around to ponder on the thought. You had work. 

While sitting in your boring office you wondered to yourself, would you ever see him again?

For some reason you hoped so, and sure enough, you did.

The weeks had felt like minutes when you were with him. You just wanted to stay with him forever, but as you two drew closer the more he seemed distant. which led to his sudden disappearance.

"James- what's the matter.." 

You had muttered when he was sitting alone in the kitchen in the early hours of one Friday morning. He seemed so lost, and confused all the time. He never let you touch his notebooks and you always wondered what were inside, but you were too afraid to ask.

"I'm just thinking." He sighed back to you blankly. He always did this. He was always 'thinking'.. yet you had a feeling he was ignoring you for a reason. You had tried so many ways to get his attention and make him feel better yet nothing seemed to work.

He told you most things.. but not everything. You knew he had a metal arm of course, but he failed to mention that he was like- 85 years old and he was an experiment with Hydra. An experiment gone wrong, in their case.

"You're always thinking.." You muttered gently, annoyance lingering on your tone with his dishonesty. 

Somehow he noticed your change in voice and he looked at you, only concern filling his face now.

"You're angry with me?" He seemed upset, but you couldn't stay mad at him. You never did- but lately he was keeping things from you. secrets of some kind.

"No, no.. of course not..I- just want you to talk to me instead of bottling up your feelings.." While you were speaking James got up swiftly and approached you. His arms lazily moving around your waist as you looked up at him and sighed.

"I love you- you know that, right? You can talk to me.. "

You were trying to reassure him but he didn't want to drag you into this mess. he wanted to keep you safe.

"I love you too. and that's why I have to go."

// To be continued - 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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