Shopping with Bucky {part two Imagine }

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Hey everyone, I hope you enjoy this new part of my Bucky imagines book. I just love doing these small imagines when I'm bored and I hope to do more. But i've been so busy lately so please forgive me. }



You sighed lightly as you pushed the shopping cart down a long isle, while Bucky followed close beside you.

"Can we go home yet?.." he mumbled as you turned to him, giving him an annoyed look.

"Buck.. you've asked me that five times and we've only been here ten minutes.." Bucky groans in anger and grabs your arm,

"can we at least get some cornflakes?" he pouts as he hands you a box of cornflakes.

You certainly couldn't resist his adorable puppy eyes as you slowly nodded and took it from his hands, and placed it in the cart.

"Anything else?" you giggled, as he kissed your cheek.

"you. me. bed?" he purred in your ear.

"mhm- maybe later, now we have to finish shopping"

after about a half an hour you and bucky were ready to go, until a little girl pulled at Bucky's sleeve.

"Hello?.. I can't find my mom.." she said sadly, her sweet little voice melting Bucky's heart as he picked her up.

He always told you that he hated kids, you've never seen him act so kind with kids as he looked at you sadly.

"We have to find her mom" he said simply as he glanced around the store, the little girl clinging tightly to Bucky's coat.

You nodded quickly, taking a turn toward someone that worked in the store, you asked them if they could make an announcement on the intercom, and they politely said yes.

Soon enough the little girl had found her mother, but Bucky had grown rather attached to her over the small amount of time.
"U-uh you be safe okay kid?" He smiled, as he put her down and she giggled madly, smiling up at him.
You noticed how happy bucky was, and upset to see her go.
"Thank you so much, she runs off a lot." Their mother joked, giving Bucky a smile.
Bucky smiled back weakly, watching the little girl closely like she was his own daughter. "Y-yeah. No problem"

When you and Bucky returned home, he was sad and grumpy.
"Hey Y/N .. I was thinking..-"
"You want a kid don't you?" You interrupted him.
"Uhm- what?.. Pshh.. Maybe"

Bucky chuckled lightly as you sat on his lap, and kissed his soft lips gently.
"Well.. I've been thinking about it too and I think we should have a kid.."
Your soft tone reassured him, he instantly got up, holding you in his arms.
"We can try tonight then." He insisted, a cheeky smirk slowly appearing on the corner of his lips.

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