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Recap:  Ellie’s eyes flicked back over to the surprisingly quiet agents focusing on Kensi.

“You look familiar” Ellie noted.

Kensi half shrugged offering her a small smile before walking over and passing a picture to Ellie. It was the picture of Kensi as a child that they had found at Ellie apartment.

“Who’s this?” Kensi asked.

“My sister” Ellie chirped.


Kensi froze in shock and Deeks choked on his jello.

“Your what?” Callen questioned.

“Sister,” Ellie clarified “What's wrong?”

Noticing the look on the agent’s faces she knew there was something up.

“Why does it matter? Is she in trouble? Hurt?

“No, she’s not Elle, she’s fine, could you just tell us her name please? You trust me don’t you?” Deeks persuaded.

“I-of course I trust you...” She assured him “Her name is Kensi... Kensi Marie Blye.”

Kensi finally snapped out of her shell shocked state.

“I need some air.” She mumbled leaving the room.

Ellie looked up at Deeks puzzled but instead of answering he leant down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“I better go make sure my partners alright.” He explained before following Kensi.

“They gave him a female partner?” The disbelief evident in her voice.

“Better than one of us having him” Callen joked.

Sam nodded his head in agreement and chuckling.

A small silence overtook them before Ellie screwed up her nose complaining. “I hate hospital gowns and I hate hospitals.”

Callen thought her frown was cute and frowned at himself for thinking that.

“Who likes them?”


It didn't take Deeks long to spot Kensi outside of the hospital, she was pacing back and forth.

“Hey Fern” he greeted her softly, raising his eyebrows in surprise when she didn't punch him for the nickname.

“She’s lying Deeks! She has to be!” Kensi turned to look straight in his eyes and he could see the hurt that resided there. “My dad would never have cheated on my mum, NEVER and my mum wouldn’t have given her up, she would have told me, we’re talking now. She would have said – something.”

Realising the stress his partner was in Deeks pulled her in for a hug. Kensi rested her head on his shoulder, breathing in deeply to calm herself.

“Why don’t we let Ellie explain, tell us what she knows? And then we can go speak to your mum about it. See if she knows anything....” Deeks suggested softly.


The pair returned to the hospital room to see Callen and Sam questioning the young agent about James Gomez – the rogue agent.

“I don’t trust him, you probably shouldn’t either. He tried to have me killed twice! He insists he made mistakes, one was on my backstopping but it was something that a five year old wouldn’t have gotten wrong! I knew he was lying. You can check his phone he’s working for them -  The crimson ghosts. He helped concoct this whole thing, he knew I was on to him and didn't want me to rat him out. Bet he told you that he was undercover. That’s usually how the story goes.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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