Your what??

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Recap: “We’ll tell Kensi and Deeks,” Callen told them staring to dial their number “they would have gone there to see if anyone saw anything.

Kensi answered the phone quickly but suddenly ops was filled with the sound of gunshots coming through Callen’s phone.

“Kensi?” Callen called panic evident in his voice.

The call ended.

Callen dialled again; no answer...

Without hesitation Callen and Sam sprinted off towards the challenger, climbing in and speeding off to the off-licence where Kensi and Deeks are located. Nell and Eric start working feverously to hack into the CCTV system to see if their fellow agents are okay.

When Callen and Sam arrive the gun fire had ceased but the damage it had caused was obvious, shelves had been tipped over and the glass that was once the window was now shards scattering the pavement.

“Kensi? Deeks?” Sam called out his voice showing panic.

Pulling out their guns they both start to make their way into the shop. Shell cases were littered everywhere and bullet holes could be seen in the walls.

“Sam!” Callen’s voice caught Sam’s attention and he turned to look at his partner. Callen’s gaze however was focused on something near the counter. Shifting his position Sam quickly realised what it was. A male’s leg could be seen; unmoving meaning that its owner was most likely dead and no matter how much Deeks annoyed them they both wished that it was not him and that he was okay. Besides it had taken Sam this long to realise how strong and loyal Deeks actually was not that he would ever tell him that again.

 Nodding to each other they both moved forwards covering each other until the man’s face could be seen. Both agents were relieved when they discovered that it was not Deeks and instead was the owner of the off-licence; Callen quickly confirmed that he was dead. Noticing a gun not too far away Sam deduced that he was involved with the Russians which had probably earned him the two shots to the chest that seemed to have been caused by his missing co-workers.

Moving past the deceased owner they made their way towards the back room becoming more cautious when they saw blood smeared against the wall as if the injured party had fallen against it, staggering a few steps before regaining their balance.

Turning the corner they came to face a large room where the stock was obviously held. Kensi was sat leaning against the wall, a piece of material held against a bleeding wound in her shoulder. Deeks was relatively unharmed apart from a few minor scratches and was looking worriedly at Kensi. Both however were unarmed and being held captive by the rogue agent James Gomez and an unknown Russian accomplice.

The two captors were having a discussion across the room from the two agents but a gun was trained on them at all times. Callen vaguely wondered how his co-workers had got capture as he was sure they could have overpowered their captors but then remembered Kensi’s wound and realised that must have been why they hadn’t managed it. He then scolded himself for getting distracted especially at a time like this.

Kensi caught sight of the older agents out of the corner of her and smiled at them so they knew she had spotted them. She them leant over and whispered something in Deeks’ ear who then also turned their way.

“Now,” Callen whispered to Sam.

Both agents sprung into action.

“Federal agents!” Sam shouted “Drop the weapon!”

The Russian turned his gun towards Sam and Callen, intending to shoot them however he wasn't quick enough and was shot down, his gun clattering from him and over near Deeks who quickly snatched it up and pointed it at the rogue agent who then quickly surrendered. As Sam detained him Callen called for an ambulance for Kensi and relayed what had happened to Nell and Eric who were unable to hack the secure CCTV system.

Agent Ellie Blake (An NCIS:LA fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now