It's all about me...

12 0 1

Okay, we'll, you already know my name:Maggie. I'm 12. In 7th grade. Tall for my age!!! Blonde. Blue-green eyes. Usually lazy. Enjoy laughing. Try to make ppl laugh. Big smile! 😄

A lot? Ya.... Well how bout my favorites?

Color: Purple

Food: Mac&Cheese

Ice cream flavor: cookies and cream

Animal: Bengal Tiger

Movie: Back to the Future Series

TV show: Fringe

Store: Hollister

Boys name: Michael

Girls name: Maggie

Type of music: Pop, Pop-Christian

Song: Gold by Owl City

Band: Owl City


That was fun wasn't it? (No: okay 😒)

Okay for this next part, please don't in anyway feel bad for me! I'm okay! It happened a long time ago! Okay now I'm making a big deal out if this!

My Parents are divorced.

So ya. When I say "I was at my dad's house" or "just came back to my moms's house".... You know what I mean.

Guess what?!? (You: What?) I'm a double girl! (You: How?) I'm going to tell you!

I was born on 4/4/00

I weighed 8lbs. and 8oz.

Military time: I was born on 13:13

Measured about 22in.

Cool huh? Ya! And for all you 2000 babies: We are Millennium babies!!!!!

Feel Proud


Ur gonna think I'm crazy for saying this but here it goes: I don't have a boyfriend and really don't want one till I'm in High school.

Most if not all girls are going: I want a boyfriend! I want my true love right now!


Noooooooooooo! He just broke up with me! My life is over! I will never fall in love again!!!!!!!!!!!!

So ya... that's kinda why. And I love to be different!

I do have a crush on a boy though!!! His name is Jay.

He has black hair and sweet smile! He is so hot though! That's why I'm attracted to him. I have a list (yes a list) of things I want in a guy! He only fits one of those categories though: cuteness. That's it! But whatever. In still hanging on to him!

I have 2 brothers.

One half brother and one "full" brother.

My "full" brother is named Liam (Michael) and he is 10 years old

My half brother is named Tim (idk his middle name) and he is 23 almost 24 by the end of February.

Interesting Fact #1: I can't go to sleep without a fan blaring in my ear.

I love theater! Theater consists of acting, singing, and dancing. Honestly, I can't really put those 3 things in order from favorite to least favorite. Well I probably could but it would be VERY hard so plz don't ask me.

I am Christian! I do believe in God and I do love him with all my heart!

I go to Life Center with my mom and Narrow Road Church with my dad.

My dad leads worship there! He and my step-Mom are soooooo talented!

They both have really amazing voices!

Check it out:

Now starts the beginning of my life/story: Call Me Normal

(Do me a favor and never call me or anyone normal!)


Call me NormalWhere stories live. Discover now