3. Dying Grandmother

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"Hey Midoriya?" Jiro asked as she opened his dorm room door. He was working on homework once again, does he ever do anything else? All he does is his homework, workout, train, and sleep.

"yeeeees?" Midoriya asked as he looked up at her.

"Did you seriously take Uraraka's phone and have a random conversation with some creepy until he hung up?" Jiro asked as she leaned against the door frame looking on curiously, she didn't believe it when Uraraka had told her.

"yup! he sounded like one of those guys that thought the joker from batman was a role model ew." Midoriya responded as a noise of disgust sounded as he turned to fully look at her.

"uh-huh. Prove it."(Sounds sus) Jiro said as her phone rang, just like she knew it would. A creep had been bugging her for a month now and she was getting tired of it. 

"Ooo! (Granny Voice)Hello? It's a miracle! My grandson knows how to call his dying grandmother!"(Gremlin mode activated) Izuku gasped before grabbing the phone and activating the 'granny voice' as he called it that he learned from his mother when ever she got spam calls. 

(It's true!!!) Jiro had to fight not to laugh as she heard Izuku's voice change. Now she definitely believed Uraraka and now had a story time to add to the Izuku is a Gremlin story memory book that Uraraka decided to create because she had a feeling that when he used her phone, that it wouldn't have been the last time people of seen of him.

"And who will he pick this time? Though I am sad to see that it hasn't gotten any better since that nude-ish phase when you were six!"(Savage mode activated) Izuku roasted the creep on the phone. 

"oh my goawd!"(Six?!) Jiro whispered to herself, she was trying her hardest not to burst into laughter and ruin this.

"You remember that phase it went on until you were 10! we weren't sure if it was just a phase or if you were trying to get arrested for indecent exposure!"(Go for the jugular) Izuku remarked. He himself was trying not to laugh and keep a straight voice and not give himself away.

(Ten?!) Jiro laughed a bit harder as she sat down, shutting the door so no one could come in and ask what was going on and ruin the new memory for them. 

"Well then. The man in our family have always been.... less then talented."(Finish him) Izuku insulted as he made this disgusted face and picked at the nails on his right hand, the phone held by his left hand. 

(Jiro.exe has crashed) Jiro was covering her mouth and gave up on keeping quiet as she watched him make faces at the responses over the phone, definitely mocking the creep.

"oh bitch, I can still break my can over your-he hung up" (Mission complete) Izuku snorted as he passed the phone back to a full on crying laughing Jiro who very clearly couldn't breath. Izuku sighed and picked up his phone to call Uraraka to come get her female best friend. 

"Hey Ura-chan. Jiro can't breathe because I just dealt with a creep on her phone and I need you to come get her to bring her back to her dorm. I need to run to the store before curfew..." Izuku explained as best he could and not get distracted by the Laughing Jiro. 

"Yeah, I'm on my way." Uraraka responded before hanging up to make her way to Midoriya's dorm room. Izuku sighed and looked at Jiro, who took one glance at Midoriya and began laughing again. Was it really that funny though?

"Hey Deku! Whe-there she is!" Uraraka joked because there was no way you could miss Jiro. "Thank you, and I wish you luck on getting back before curfew... Aizawa moved it to 8 because of the last villain attack." Uraraka called out as she picked Jiro up and walked back to her own dorm room so she could get the details of what happened. 

"Great." Midoriya sighed out before pulling his phone out a second time to call Aizawa. 

"What Problem Child." Aizawa asked as soon as he answered. 

"Well... Could I run to the store real quick? I wanna make something for pride month..." Midoriya asked, not even commenting on the nickname from Aizawa that he's heard from Recovery Girl, All Might and Present Mic by this point. 

"Fine... If you're not back by 8:30 then you're locked out." Aizawa responded and hung up. Midoriya cheered quietly before pulling his shoes on and running out of the dorms, Bakugou muttering curses at him as he passed him. 

"Now, to find the right recipes I want to use. I know how to make Candy Apples, that much was clear since I made them for Eri... But what about Cake? I would need tips from Sato.... I could try my hand at Shortbread cookies... I heard that Todoroki-Kun hasn't ever had a cookie before and mom loves shortbread cookies." Midoriya mindlessly mumbled to himself as he jogged to the store. He would have taken the train but he needed the exercise.

"Finally!" Midoriya silently cheered as he arrived at the store. He checked his phone and noticed it was 8:15. Shit! Midoriya quickly speed walked through the store grabbing any and all ingredients he needed for Candy Apples, Rainbow Cake and Rainbow shortbread cookies. He even stopped and grabbed extra food dye to try his hand for rainbow candy apples!

"Now, to pay and get back to the dorms... I can do this..." Midoriya murmured to himself as he got to the cash register. 

"Thank you!" Izuku called out as he jogged out of the store. He had 10 minutes to make it back to UA before he was locked out. Izuku began sprinting back to the dorms, and when it was five minutes til he powered up his quirk and zoomed to the doors, where Mr. Aizawa was waiting with a smirk. Midoriya walked in and smiled through his heavy breaths. 

"I made it." He chuckled. Aizawa nodded. 

"Yeah. Yeah you did. Now get to bed, you have school tomorrow." Aizawa praised before walking away. Midoriya brightened and walked to his room to store his buyings for a day where he has time to back them.

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