9. Izuku is Innocent!! Right?

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"Bakugou!" Mina exclaimed as she ran into the common room, she also jumped onto the couch and grabbed Bakugou's arm suddenly. Kirishima also jumped as She had startled him too. Bakugou ran his fingers through his hair to clam him down slightly before focusing on Mina. 

"Fucking what?" Bakugou asked as he jumped slightly himself, not expecting Mina's arm on his own, looking at Mina in surprise before he masked it with anger. Kirishima went back to reading the book assigned by Present Mic, it was actually interesting so he wanted to work on English tonight. 

"I need you to be totally honest with me." Mina responded instead of answering directly. She stared directly into his eyes, seeing passed his anger mask and seeing the surprise at her actions.  

"What the fu-About what?" Bakugou asked her incredulously. He set his homework down next to him and behind Kirishima who was looking at them curiously, Mina never demanded Bakugou be honest unless it was bothering her or something important happened. 

"Uraraka, Jiro, Yaomomo and Todoroki have all said that whenever they got a phone call they didn't want to answer, they gave the phone to midoriya and he was an absolute troll." Mina explained. She didn't want to believe them because Midoriya acted so oblivious and pure that it gave her a tooth ache. 

"Yeah. And?" Bakugou asked. Was she curious about it? Hell Bakugou gave Uraraka, Jiro and Mom a full 9 notebooks of stories of it, along with notes about how he acted before, during and after! Todoroki's story might have been three days prior, he was in an unexceptionably good mood and it unnerved everyone but Midoriya. 

"It's bullshit, right?" Mina asked. Bakugou sighed, already wanting to get back to his Algebra that he was working on. It was the last thing he needed to work on tonight, and Denki bailed on study session tonight so Bakugou would have nothing to do. 

"You know, I was gonna ask the same thing." Kirishima pipped up, startling Mina slightly before adding to his statement.. kind of. She was actually mocking Midoriya slightly because it really was something that was bothering her. 

"Right? Because there is absolutely no way that sweet little cinnamon roll Midoriya knows how to be a troll." Mina stated. She looked at Bakugou shocked when he snorted, going back to his homework and brushing off the topic completely. Did he know something they didn't? Kirishima noticed as well but didn't comment on it as Bakugou was subconsciously running his fingers through Kirishima's hair. 

"Bet. Next time either of you fucks gets a call you don't want to answer, hand the phone to Deku, He'll prove you wrong." Bakugou offhandedly suggested to them. He completely missed their shared looks as he finished the last problem. Kissing Kirishima's cheek he bid them goodnight and left to his dorm room. 

A little while later

"Heeeeeey, Midoriya?" Kirishima asked as he peaked into Midoriya's dorm. His dorm was open once more and they were going to be working out tonight, Uraraka was not joining them tonight and Todoroki was forced to go him for the weekend. 

"Oh, hey Kirishima, what's up?" Midoriya asked as he looked up from his English report. Kirishima slipped in and shut the door so they didn't bother anyone if they played music since Midoriya's dorm was sound proof.

"You know how to troll people on the phone right? Get them to hang up?" Kirishima asked hesitantly... He didn't want to be wrong but he also knew something was going on with his almost brother Tamakai and he wanted to help. 

"Gremlin. But yes." Midoriya responded as he moved to sit on his bed, motioning for Kirishima to do the same. He did, grateful that he wasn't gonna get kicked out or for bringing it up.

"Think you could teach me?" Kirishima asked hesitantly. Midoriya was confused, Bakugou knew how to be one too... Why wasn't he asking him?

"Well sure, the hardest part's not laughing, but why?" Midoriya asked him. If he wasn't going to Bakugou it means they don't know about his Gremlin side. So he'd play along for now. But Bakugou would pay for it. 

"For, Tamaki-senpai." Kirishima responded. 

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