• Chapter 4: Let the Games Begin •

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Coraline grabbed the backpack and hauled Wybie up. They began to make their way hesitantly back to where the other Pink Palace is. Coraline looked up into the sky to see the moon shining down on them casting shadows over the apartment complex. "Hey Wybie, isn't it a bit odd how the other mother's hand left us when we went to go down the well instead of attacking us? I mean... besides it cutting us down..."

Wybie nodded his head and thought to himself. "It would only make sense that the other mother knows we are here then." A shudder went through Coraline as they continued to make their way to the house silently.

They trudged down the hill and finally made it to see how old it's gotten. Coraline winced at how nothing had changed... except it was more gloomy. All the lights were off in the house except one light that was in the same room as the small door is. The paint was peeling off and dust covered about every inch of the house.

They quietly crept towards the front door. Coraline looked up uneasily where the other Wybie's old clothes use to hang from the pole... but they weren't there anymore... odd... They both began to make their way towards the front door when Wybie stopped Coraline.

"Coraline... I'm not sure this is a good idea..." Coraline shushed Wybie when the front door flew open. "Ahh, you both are just in time, come in." Coraline and Wybie gulped as they made their way in silently.

The Beldam ushered them into a colorful room filled with big furniture that Coraline recognized as the small door room. They stood awkwardly as the Beldam gestured for them to sit. They exchanged a look and sat down but not getting comfortable.

"What do you want from us?" Coraline spat out getting to the point. The Beldam rested back against her own chair sipping a drink that appeared to be made of bugs.

"Well, what do you think?" Coraline scoffed and Wybie shuffled uncomfortably. "We aren't giving you our eyes if that's what you want." The Beldam's lips formed a smile that sent a shiver down Coraline's bones. "I don't simply need your eyes for you to stay, that was just one of the ways to make you more... vulnerable..."

Coraline cocks her head to the side as the Beldam slowly made her way over to Wybie. "...But it seems, I may have another way of making you stay." Coraline followed her gaze to where Wybie was and she saw that instead of Wybie's golden brown eyes, she was met with black buttons.

She went to spring up but the bug chair wrapped its arms around her. "What did you do with him??" She yelled out at the Beldam. "Now, is that the way to talk to YOUR MOTHER?" The Beldam said coldly but in a threatening tone.

"Where. Is. He." The Beldam smirked and got up circling around the other Wybie. "Not here." She blew on the other Wybie and Coraline watched as he turned into a pile of dust. She couldn't think of what to do. How on earth did the other mother get Wybie??

Coraline thought for a moment trying to recover from shock and then thought of something. "Can we play a game?" Coraline asked quickly without thinking over it. The other mother's button eyes twinkled and she faced Coraline showing her full attention.

"What kind of game?" She asked with an evil grin. Coraline smirked and spoke up, "We've played it before... only this time... I'm finding Wybie..." The Beldam paced around looking like she was thinking throughly.

"Very well, but this time you can't escape because I have the key." She exclaimed with an evil grin. The Beldam reached into her shirt and pulled out the key which was dangling around her neck. "So, Coraline, what happens if you win and if I win?" Coraline gulped but knew what she had to do.

"If I win, you let us go... if not... you can have my eyes and me... but please just let Wybie go..." The Beldam stared harder at Coraline. "And how will I know that you won't be cheating again and getting away?"

Coraline thought for a moment unsure but then it came to her. "Because, Coraline Jones doesn't cheat... and I have no way of getting away this time." The Beldam nodded her head then said, "here's what you will need to track down Wybie. There are hidden objects and they each represent something that will clue where to look next... you have until the button is covering the moon which I assume you are familiar with."

Coraline nodded her head at her and they shook hands in agreement...only this time... Coraline was going to need all the confidence she could muster.

Coraline felt the chair untangle around her and she ran for the door outside. Coraline ran as far as she could until she had to catch her breath. How on earth is she going to find him? He could be anywhere and who knows what traps the Beldam has in store...

Coraline sat for a moment dazed when Charlie appeared and began to rub against her. Coraline stroke him and she sat thinking when she noticed it got a bit darker. Coraline looked up into the sky to see the shape of a button moving slowly over the moon. It's happening all over again...

Will she be able to find Wybie in time and put a stop to the Beldam's evil plots?


Author's note:
Hey everyone! I know this is way shorter than normal but honestly, I had the hardest time trying to think of what to write, I'm currently having writer's block 😅😅. I hope you enjoy and the next part should be out pretty soon.❤️

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