what's the secret?

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After some minutes of driving we reached home i was just shaking in fear that why they want to trace me and jake. And what jake is hiding from me. Thousands of questions are roaming in my mind.

Saumya: jake, now we have reached home. Now tell me everything.

Jake: Saumya calm down, I will make you a coffe you sit there.

Saumya: no I don't need any coffe, you just tell me what's the matter then after I will calm down

Jake: ok I am telling you but..

Saumya: but? But what jake? Start explaining I don't want any buts.

Jake: before telling you have to promise me that you will not tell this to anyone.

Saumya: ok I promise you.

Jake: thank you.

Jake: so the story is that those boys who were talking about us are also the hacker.

Saumya: then you should be friends with them. Why don't you talk to them?. Hacker can be a friend of another hacker.

Jake: it's not like that they are not good as me.

Saumya: you are good( I laughed)

He just rolled his eyes.

Jake: ok now listen the full story they are the hackers and work for the mafia leader


Jake: yes, don't shout like that neighbours can hear it.

Saumya: h-hurry up and t-tell me the whole story. ( I shutterd)

I can clearly see at jake face that he looks very upset seeing that I am afraid.

Jake's p.o.v

When I saw that Saumya is afraid It just really hurt me and it hurts me more that those people are trying to make way to her just because of me . I can't put my love in danger. However,I have never told to her that I love her so much because I am afraid that she don't feel the same way. And it can also destroy our friendship. So I always decided to not to say anything like that but seeing her like this I can't help myself but hug her very tightly.

Saumya p.o.v

I just get shocked when he told me that they are mafia's workers and hack system for them.

Jake HUGGED me the shy hacker hugged me I get too shock by his sudden action but I really like it I also hugged him back. And I can't believe his soft embrace calm me down in less than 5 seconds. We stayed in each others arm for awhile.then broke the hug.

Jake: i- I am sorry If  I make you fell uncomfortable.

Saumya: no jake, you don't have to be sorry. I actually like that .it calms me down less than 5 seconds. Thanks.

I can see his cheeks automatically get red and he blushed I love to see him like that he looks so cute when he get blushed and surprised. Just like a cute lovely hacker. He was like big teddy bear to me. So cute.

Saumya: so, why they are after you?

Jake: y-yes so I was telling that they are bad hacker who tries to hack those people system who are enemy of mafias or they want to kill anyone for money.

Saumya: do they want to kill you?!

Jake: no relax they will not harm me nor you. They are trying to acess data of one man named Jenifer Hanson. It was something related to 10 years ago to the mafia's life.

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