Part 1

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a/n: I've always wanted to do an evil!Twilight fic and thought about doing a mirror!verse or something. One thing I will <i>desperately</i> try to do is minimize the amount of blood/violence in this fic. I am serious when I don't anything too extreme here, my goal is to be suspenseful, not gross. I will put warning tags on each chapter so please heed them.

Hope you guys enjoy


"I'm sorry. I never intended for anyone to find out."

It was the truth. Twilight has spent years covering his tracks, always taking cautious steps to never overdo it. He would be horrified if Colin or Ilia ever bore witness to his hobby. He messed up this time. It had been too long, he was too eager, and in a moment of weakness he indulged without taking the proper precautions.

He could tell Wild all of that, but judging the look on the kid's face, it would go in one ear and out the other. Wild was staring downward at his lap, his face painfully tight. It probably didn't help Wild was bound to the chair he sat in, his arms tied behind his back, his feet tied to the leg chairs. His long hair cascaded down to one side. Specks of blood were dried in the strands.

"Can you please look at me?" Twilight asked.

As if a heavy weight was pulling his head down, Wild struggled to sit up. "You..." He started, his bright blue eyes obscured by his bangs. "You killed that man."

Twilight sighed. "Yes."

"Why? Was he... threatening you?"


"Threatening us?"


"Was he-"

"The answer is going to be no, pup."

"Are you possessed?"

Twilight pursed his lips. "Would it make it easier for you if I said yes?"

Wild let his head droop back down.

"Look..." Twilight said. "I can't explain why. At least not in a way to make you understand. I've always been like this."

"This makes no sense. The Master Sword would never let anyone like that to wield it!"

"I don't think the Master Sword can tell the difference. Warriors has used it to slice up soldiers in battles. Soldiers who were only following orders, who were drafted. Did the sword care if Warriors cut down some eighteen year old boy who was simply defending his post? Did the sword care when you used it last week to cut your sandwiches?"

"You took pleasure in ending that man's life."

"I took pleasure in ending Ganondorf's life. I don't know why the sword allows me to wield it. Maybe at the end of the day all it cares about is what Hylia wants."

These were questions Twilight has asked himself and has never gotten close to an answer. After all the sword is never pulled to stop drug cartels or human traffickers. What made them less 'evil' than Ganon or Zant? Twilight had once gotten into such a debate with Sky and it only made the Hero so angry his face turned red.

"What... did you do with my Sheikah Slate?" Wild asked, his voice young and scared.

"It's downstairs," Twilight explained. "It's safe, I assure you. I would never intentionally hurt you."

At that Wild's head snapped up, his eyes flashing. "I'm tied to a chair!"

"Just for now. I need to be sure you're not going to tell the others."

"What! You can't expect me to pretend what I saw never happened!"

"And what do you think will happen? Do you want me to be put on trial? Should I be executed for my crime?"

"Twi, you need help." Wild's voice suddenly softened like he was speaking to a small child. "This isn't you. You're a good person. I think someone or something is controlling you, infecting your thoughts. Let me go, and lets seek out the others. They can help, I know they can."

Twilight groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. "I knew you would interpret it like that. I'm sorry, Wild, but I can't. And until I am convinced you won't report me, you're going to stay here."

Wild shook his head in disbelief. "You can't... the others will notice I'm missing. They will come look for me-!"

"The others already left," Twilight said. "I told them you triggered another memory and we'll catch up when we're able."

"You..." Pain etched across Wild's expression. "You used my memory to...? Twi... oh gods... don't do this."

"It's already done."

Twilight turned towards the door. "I'm going to get something for dinner. Is there anything specific you want?"

"HELP!" Wild suddenly bellowed. "CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME, HELP-!"

With speed only seen in battle, Twilight swiftly crossed the room, slamming his palm across Wild's mouth, cutting off his yell. Twilight's fingers dug into the fat of Wild's cheek as his other hand gripped the back of Wild's head, forcing him to look up. Twilight loomed over Wild, his face obscured by shadows. Wild tried to struggle out of the grip, only prompting Twilight to hold stronger.

"Save your breath," Twilight said. "This building is abandoned. Not even the homeless sleep here. Despite that, I'd rather not risk having someone coming in. Is that what you want, Wild? For me to greet this person?"

At that, Wild ceased in his struggling. The grip on his face was so tight, one finger pressed against his nostril, making his breathing haggard. He stared up at Twilight, seeing nothing but darkness looking back.

Twilight let that threat hang in the air for a moment longer. "Don't test me," he said. "While I promised not to hurt you, I won't extend the same courtesy to them. Do you understand me?"

Wild gave the briefest of nods.

"Good boy." With that, Twilight released him and stepped back. Wild sputtered and gasped. He leaned over himself, mouth gaped open, the burning ache in his cheeks getting hotter now that the fingers were gone. He made no effort to start yelling again.

"I'll get you something cold for dinner," said Twilight. "To cool you down."

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