Part 3

363 20 8

warning: blood, mention of torture, injury


They went downstairs to where the kitchen was. Only half of it had been built. There was no sink, no cabinets, and the area where the fire hearth should've been only had a pile of forgotten bricks and a bag of cement. The only thing the builders actually finished was the kitchen island. That's where Twilight placed the bag of food down.

He held his hands out towards Wild. "Let me see them."

"See what?" Wild asked.

"Your wrists. They need to be cleaned."

Wild curled his arms to his chest. "They're fine."

"Pup, don't be stubborn." He didn't wait for Wild to comply and came close, tugging on his arms until Wild relented. Twilight pulled the sleeves up to get a better look at the raw, bloody skin. "Ouch. You really worked these hard. I don't have any potion on me, but I have salve and clean wrappings. Give me a moment to get-"

Wild's hand shot out, reaching for the Sheikah Slate on Twilight's hip.

Twilight was faster, and grabbed Wild by his wrists, shoving him back, slamming him against the kitchen island with enough force to make it rattle. The food bag fell open and several wrapped honey breads rolled out.

"Stop," Twilight said dangerously.

A tremble went through Wild. Good goddess was this man insanely strong. Wild himself was no kitten; his climbing prowess was an envy among the group. There's been plenty of times he's scaled a sheer cliff face if only to pluck a precious herb for that morning's breakfast. But compared to Twilight's large hands that have been strengthened from years of animal wrangling, Wild may as well be a dry twig swinging in the wind. If Twilight wanted, he could snap Wild in half.

Twilight took a step back, waiting. When Wild made no move, he hummed in satisfaction and turned to walk over to where his bag sat. Wild's blood was on the inside of his thumbs.

From his bag Twilight pulled free a bottle of clear gel and wrappings. "Pull up your sleeves to your elbows. I'll try to be quick before the food gets cold."

Wild did as he was told while Twilight opened the bottle. He dipped two fingers in, scooping up a glob of gel. The smell of mint hit Wild's nose.

"This is cooling gel," Twilight explained. He grasped Wild's arm and began to gently dab around the wrist. Immediately the stinging, burning sensation around his wrists dissipated, leaving a welcoming chill. It felt like eating ice cream on a hot summer day. Despite himself, Wild sighed in relief. His eyes fluttered closed and he leaned forward, his head falling upon Twilight's shoulder.

"Feels that nice?" Twilight said, amused.

It did. A fog was settling in over Wild's brain, telling him it was time to sleep. At this point he must've been up for over 24 hours. "What time is it?" Wild asked.

"Late. Two, I think."


"I can't tend to your wounds like this. C'mon, sit back up,"

Wild did. For the few quiet minutes Twilight attended to him, the tension in Wild's shoulders dropped.

He realized right then and there how easy it could be to pretend nothing was wrong. Both of them could walk away, leave the corpse where he laid, and never mention this again. Things could go back to how they used to be. It'll just be another secret between them, no different than Twilight's wolf form or Wild's Gerudo outfit.

It was a tempting thought, but Wild knew it would never be. It was enough difficulty living each day knowing he failed the land of Hyrule. He was not going to fail that man as well.

"Twi..." Wild started. "What do you plan to do with me?"

"I'm not going to hurt you, if that's what you're thinking," Twilight said. He wrapped Wild's wrists with the bandages. "But I will make you keep your silence."


"Oh, I have something planned up my sleeve." He then smirked. "Actually, it's something I've always wanted to try. Never had an opportunity before."

At the implication a nauseated feeling settled in Wild's stomach. Any pleasantness he had from the pampering fluttered away like a insect. He swallowed. "Are you planning to torture me?"

Twilight finished and stepped back. He pulled out a water flask and turned to wash his hands in the space where the sink should've been. "Yes."

Wild's breathing sped up. He had no idea how to respond to that- was there any rational way to respond to yes you're going to be tortured? To hear Twilight say it so casually, so matter of fact, it was like getting punched in the gut. It didn't matter if Wild was his protege or had promised not to hurt him. Twilight's corruption was beyond Wild's reach.

Twilight shook his hands free of water. He gestured out to the bread rolls. "Are you ready now to try one? I bought plenty, so eat as much as you want."

Wild cupped a hand over his mouth. He began to gag. "I think I'm going to be sick!"

Twilight rushed to his side as he collapsed to the floor. Wild fell to his hands and knees, mouth gaped open, heaving. His back bowed and arched with every heavy breath, his hands scrambling for purchase.

"Wild, you need to calm," said Twilight. "You're having a panic attack."

He wasn't having a panic attack. In fact he wasn't having any sort of attack. He just needed Twilight to get close.

Quicker than he's ever been in his life, Wild snatched the hidden nail out from his pocket and slammed it right into Twilight's foot, going straight through the boot, through the foot, down into the floor.

Twilight gave out a breathless gasp, and before the pain could really set in, Wild snapped his head up, slamming it into Twilight's chin.

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