Part 10

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When Twilight finally pulled the bowl away a few hours later, Wild was a empty shell of a man.

He didn't know who he was, where he was. All that was recycling in his mind was an endless drone of stopstopstopstopstopstopstopstopnomorenomorenomoreNONoNONONO

He was a mess. His entire face and hair was soaked through with ice water. A terrible nauseating headache pounded against the back of his eyes. He pulled on his restraints so hard he dislocated his right shoulder. The pain was a welcome reprieve and Wild had hoped the sight of the injury would force Twilight to stop. Instead Twilight merely reset his shoulder and continued the torture. After that point, Wild would rather be assaulted than endure anymore of this.

"Hey," Twilight said softly as he brushed Wild's forehead with a dry towel. "You still with me?"

Wild didn't respond right away. His senses were still catching up with him. He continued to stare up at the spot where the bowl used to be, still waiting for that next drop.

"Pup? Can you hear me?"

Wild blinked. He took in a sharp breath and then burst into tears.

"Twi-? Please, PLEASE! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I won't do anything again! Please don't-! I'll do anything, just don't- I'm sorry, I'll keep it to myself, I won't tell anyone, I swear-!"

"Shh, shh. Calm down. It's alright, I know you won't."

"Please..." Wild sobbed.

Twilight was gentle after that. He took off Wild's bindings, helped him up. He reset Wild's shoulder, then helped him off the bed and half-carried him into the next room where a warm bath was waiting for him.

Questions rose in Wild's brain like bubbles in molasses. He was aware something was wrong here. What was this house? Where were the occupants? How did Twilight managed to secure any of this in such a short amount of time? Wild didn't dare voice any of those questions. He didn't want Twilight to second guess his decision of releasing him.

As soon as Wild climbed into the warm bath, he immediately dunked his head under the water. The warmth seeped into his very being and would have stayed there longer until Twilight pulled him back up.

"Enjoy the bath but don't drown yourself," he said.

Honestly Wild was surprised he wanted more water in his life. He was so cold, if Twilight pressed a freshly-skinned rat against his face, Wild would be thankful for the warmth.

The suspicions of the house grew stronger. This was not the bathroom of a hostel.The soaps were too nice, the towels were made of a better material, and the walls were decorated with personalized art pieces. This bathroom was designed by someone who wanted it to suit their tastes, not for the occasional traveler.

"Are you done?" Twilight asked, startling him out of his thoughts. "I know it hasn't been long, but your skin has become wrinkly."

Wild nodded. "Yes. I'd like to be dry. After that... may I get something to eat?"

It should be humiliating to have to ask for food like he were a child relying on daddy's help. Right now Wild felt no humiliation, no shame. He was hungry and he was grateful for the opportunity to eat.

"Of course," Twilight said. "After that you should get some rest."

After eating a few cheese and ham sandwiches in a kitchen that was obviously decorated by a woman in her fifties, Wild was so exhausted he was falling asleep at the table. He let himself drift forward, ready to nap right there.

Twilight tapped his cheek. "Not here, you'll get a crick. There's a bed you can use."

The bed had a decorated quilt, pink pillow cases, and when Wild laid his head upon it, he smelled women's perfume. He didn't have much time to dwell on it because within a minute, he was asleep.


Wild woke a few hours later. He was still dreadfully tired and could easily flipped to his side and fall back to sleep, but his bladder demanded his attention. Wild sat up. His face itched and pinched as he wearily got to his feet and padded across the room to the door. He had no idea where the bathroom was. He'd go outside if he had to. Wild stepped out into the hallway, shivering at the noticeable drop in temperature.

Loud snoring came from one of the closed doors in the hallway. The sound was a familiar, welcoming one that put a small smile on Wild's face. Twi and Time were the biggest snorers of the group, much to the annoyance of Legend who was a terribly sensitive sleeper.

It struck Wild right there that he could leave. Quietly walk out and run. By the time Twilight woke up, Wild could put a good distance between them. By now the others should've gotten his letter and would be looking for him.

Wild stared down the hallway where the front door was. It beckoned to him like a heartbeat. Every beat the door seemed to get closer. Wild turned his feet towards it and took one aborted step when a dark thought suddenly emerged.

If Twilight catches you, he'll put you back in that contraption.

A quiet scream rose up in Wild's throat and he slapped hand over his mouth to keep it from escaping. Yes, he could get away before Twilight woke up, but the real possibility was Twilight could snatch him up again, and this time... this time he wouldn't set Wild free.

The thought of enduring another round in that torture device sent the room around Wild spinning. Suddenly his legs refused to hold him and he fell to the floor, his entire body shaking uncontrollably.

He told Twilight he'll do anything, that he'll be a good boy and do what was needed. The first time Wild disobeyed he was tied to a chair, and then thrown off a bridge, and now torture. If Wild disobeyed for a fourth time, the punishment would be... the thought was too horrific to finish.

Wild didn't know how long he kneeled there shivering. When a hand touched him upon his shoulder, Wild gasped and lifted his head. Twilight was in front of him. His hair was mussed from sleep as he rubbed one eye with the heel of his hand.

"Hey, what's going on?" Twilight asked.

It sounded like an innocent question but Wild heard the undertones. Give the wrong answer and see what happens.

Words flew out like vomit. Wild was unable to hold them back. "I wasn't escaping, I promise, I swear! I was only trying to use the toilet, I wasn't trying to leave, please believe me, Twilight. Please tell me you believe me, I swear I only wanted to use the bathroom, please, please, please-"

"I know, I believe you."

Did he? Was he lying? Wild had no way to be sure. Twilight could be saying that so Wild could let down his guard. That happened on the bridge; when Twilight told him he'd go through hell, and the moment Wild hesitated Twilight struck out like a cobra. Tears welled up in Wild's eyes, knowing for sure another punishment was to come, when suddenly Twilight pressed something against his palms.

Wild looked down. Twilight had returned to him his Sheikah Slate.

"Proof," Twilight said. "Of my trust in you."

The Sheikah Slate, Wild's most powerful item, perhaps even more powerful than the Master Sword. Thoughts rushed in his mind, telling him what he could do with it. He could freeze Twilight in his spot and then shove a bomb in his face, killing him instantly. Perhaps incapacitate him, tie him up, knock him out, imprison him, trap him,

Wild did none of those things. Instead he hugged his precious Slate against his chest, tears of relief falling down his face.

"Thank you," Wild said.

"Don't worry about it. C'mon, let's get you off this floor. I'll show you where the bathroom is."

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