Part 11

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The kitchen was well stocked with so many ingredients Wild felt giddy having access to it. Trying to cook in the middle of nowhere with little access to proper cooking tools made it a challenge. Some the group complained about having the same meals again and again, but there was only so much Wild could do with just a pot and whatever he had on hand.

Wild fried up some eggs, thick pieces of bacon, and cooked potatoes in the leftover bacon fat. The kitchen also had a couple of nice fat lemons and Wild used those to make refreshing lemonade.

It felt good to watch Twilight eat everything Wild laid out for him. The man took big bites out of the bacon, practically swallowed the eggs whole. Runny yolk ran down his chin and he hummed in delight, chasing the yolk with his tongue and then using his finger to swipe the rest, licking it off.

"You can slow down," said Wild. He sat down with his own plate loaded with potatoes and meat. "Nobody is going to take it from you."

Twilight chuckled and slowed his bites. He dabbed his chin with a napkin. "It's good. Haven't had a good meal since the city. Since you carried all the spices, everything I caught was simply unseasoned burnt meat."

Hearing about the city brought up memories of the Great Bridge. Wild slowed in his eating, contemplating his next question.

"Did you really kill all those people?" Wild asked. "On the bridge?"

Twilight took a nice deep swing of lemonade. He gave Wild an inquisitive look. "Do you really want to know the answer?"

"I... do."

Twilight considered him for a moment, then went back to eating. "Not all of them," he said as he seasoned his eggs with salt. "My focus were on the guards. Some civilians who tried to help also met my blade. Panic killed the rest. One old man on his horse and buggy tried his force his way through the rushing crowd, ended up crashing up against the side and toppled over, taking at least ten others with him by accident. I feel sorry for those horses, they didn't deserve that."

You feel sorry for the horses but no the people? Wild thought. He swallowed for his next question. "Why... why do you do the things you do?"

Twilight was almost done with his plate. Once again, he asked, "Are you sure you want to know that answer?"

It seemed prudent to ask about it now. Wild has already seen the darker side of Twilight, he didn't need to know more. He's seen enough horrors to keep him company in his dreams for years to come. "I am apprehensive of the answer... I do want to know. Like my memories, not knowing would hurt more. I can't say I will understand... but I will listen."

Twilight finished off the final bits of his egg. He took one last drink of his lemonade, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and placed it aside. He stood up from the table. Wild tensed in his chair as Twilight made his way around the table.

Twilight placed his hand on the back of Wild's chair and leaned down, trapping Wild in his seat. Wild's heart began pounding in his ears as he sunk into his seat. The Sheikah Slate was on his hip yet Wild made no movement to grab it.

The morning sunlight did not reach Twilight's face, leaving him in shades of gray. He was so close Wild could feel his hot breath tickling his forehead. "I do what I do," Twilight said in a low, deep tone. "Because I like it."

A tremor went through Wild. "That's it?"

"Did you expect something more profound? A trauma that explains everything?"

Was it wrong to say he did? Wild was lying before; he did want to understand. Because if he understood, it meant he could find a solution, figure out how to undo what was caused. He could help Twilight. Save him. But there wasn't really anything Wild could do, really?

Wild closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing. "You're not going to stop, are you?"

"No. Do you still plan to stop me?"

Wild immediately shook his head. "Can I make a request?"

"A request?"

"The next time you... feel the urge to..." Wild slumped his shoulders in resignation. He looked up at Twilight. "Make it quick."

Twilight leaned back. He gave Wild a gentle smile. "You're truly the Hero among us, pup." He ruffled Wild's hair and went back to his seat. The two resumed their meal and spoke no more of blood or horror that night.


The next morning after breakfast, the two gathered their things.

"I never told the group where we were," Wild said. "Should we seek them out?"

Twilight said, "I'm sure they'll find us first."

At the front door, Wild paused and looked back at the house that was both temporarily his prison and home. He stared at the flower paintings on the wall, the wooden carved animals on small hallways tables, the areas of the wood that have been rubbed down after years of use. This was someone's home. They lived here for many years and had loved it to the bones.

Finally Wild couldn't' take it anymore. "What did you do with the owners of the house?"

Twilight pointed to a random, closed door. "They're in there."

There was nothing special about the door. There were no signs of stress, no blood seeping out from beneath the door. Wild had walked past that door a few times, assuming it was broom closet; there was no reason to peek in. Wild turned and walked towards it. Twilight did nothing to stop him.

What good would it do, Wild thought to himself as he put a hand on the door knob. Why did he need to confirm this? If the occupants were really in there, there was nothing Wild could do for them. He couldn't save them, he wouldn't give them a proper burial, nor anyone avenge them. Yet Wild had to know. His curiosity was his curse. He opened the door slowly and the morning light poured in.

All Wild could see were limbs. Twisting, winding, menagerie of parts entangled together like the tail of a Rat King. Wild slammed the door shut before his brain could process anything further. He pressed his forehead against the door, his eyes dilating as a panic attack rose on the horizon.

He flinched when he felt Twilight's hand slip up his back and press against his neck. The hand did not squeeze and the coolness of his palm was welcoming. "Breathe," he said.

Wild took a long shuddering breath. He gripped the front of his tunic, willing the panic attack away. "I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting-"

"You knew what to expect."

Wild nodded. His forehead was already damp with sweat. "Yeah." He pulled away from the door. Twilight's hand from his neck dropped away. "Yeah, I did." 

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