Chapter 1

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None of them make the first move, the air is so thick you can use a knife to cut it. Eventually, the fox masked man decided to cut to the straight.

"Did you regret what you've done?"


"Silent treatment huh?", he scuffed. "Maybe you didn't get what I meant, let me be more specific."

"Did you regret that you cheated on me with Mr. Fucking George Notfound?"

"...A little.", he gave in. "But I don't regret what I've done, I regret that I hurt you."

"I should've told you, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to forgive me."

"I just- Wanted to apologize since- Well- you know."

...Is he serious? Is he still dreaming? I-is this a dream?? Dream apologized.

The superior, the most powerful person on this server, Dream Puff, apologized...?

"I- No-", he stops himself from finishing that sentence. He shouldn't keep forgiving him. He can't. What would dad think of this? If he once again forgave him... Would Dream keep his promise this time or break his heart once again? He doesn't know. He doesn't want to take another risk just to see if his heart will break again.

While the fox masked man lost in his own thoughts, the prisoner was also planning.

C'mon...Just say yes so I can get out! God, he is such a pain.

"...Then I guess this is goodbye.", said the ginger-haired man. "We're breaking up."

It took a moment for Dream to adjust. He's saying no...?


"Your rings, please."


The blondie took off his ring and returned it to the man across the table.

"Thank you.", after pocketing the rings, the man stood up. "I hoped to never see you again. Goodbye, Mr. Puff." , and just like that. He left the room.

"Stand up, 0812.", said the warden, Sapnap, after checking no more visitors. "Let's get you back to your cell."

Said the man stood up and followed.

"...I'm sorry you have to see that kind of scene."

"It's fine. I've seen worse."


The pair fall into an uncomfortable silence.

"Well-" "We're back. Get in.", just as the prisoner tries to come up with a conversation, they are back to the prison cell. "Don't make me repeat. Get in."

"Go to bed, sleep."

Dream followed the instruction, crawled into blankets on the floor that the wardens so elegantly called 'bed'.

"Well...Good night!"

The warden hummed as a 'good night' to the blonde.


Inhaled, the younger sighed. "Yeah..."

"Well try to get some sleep, okay? We have to patrol the prison cells later in a few hours.", said the creeper hybrid. "Would you like some hot milk with honey or some lavender tea to help you sleep well?"

"I will take some milk, thank you.", the boy gave a tired, sweet smile to the other.

"Your welcome.", the creeper hybrid returned the smile. He gave his boy a mug with stirred honey milk, petting the smaller man's head. "Try to get some sleep okay? I will be back in a bit."

"Aren't you going to sleep as well?", confusion filled the ravenette's face.

Then, it clicks. "Oh, you're going to Dr. Ponk's!"

Light pink spilled all over Sam's face, there was no doubt that the hybrid was embarrassed. "Y-yeah."

"Well, don't be too loud. I don't want to hear you guys fucking, 'kay?"

"SAPNAP!" "I'm joking! I'm joking!"

Huffed the older warden as he ruffled the boy's slightly long and messy hair. "Go to sleep."

"Alright, have fun!", shouted the younger one as he watched the other walk out the room.

The Pandora's Box (Dreamnapfound) **SLOW UPDATE**Where stories live. Discover now