A Villainous Plan

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Christmas is a very special date of the year, one that you can spend with your loved ones, receiving gifts, playing with the snow while enjoying the Christmas spirit, simply a very special celebration, but not for Tommy, oh no, this year he would spend it here locked in this place that despite from being a moderately nice place, it was suffocating to have almost no one, well, no one except Dream, he was feeling somewhat repetitive saying it all the time but it was true, he was supposed to hate him, but with all this time Next to it had given her a new perspective on him, he ... he really seemed to care about him.

But everything changed that December 23 ... everything.

"W-what do you mean Dream?" Tommy asked nervously, he really didn't like that tone dream used he felt chills down his spine.

"You see Tommy, I've been investigating" Dream started to explain

What is he into now? a curious but still nervous tommy wondered for himself.

" tommy, i know you've really tried hard to be a good boy but I know you'll never change at all Tommy, you'll always have that spark deep inside you, no matter how hard I try to change you, you will always have that attachment to those meaningless things, to L,manberg, to the fucking discs, even to your stupid friends even though they BETRAYED YOU TOMMY, BUT YOU APPARENTLY ARE AN IDIOT, CAUSE YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE,YOUR FRIENDS? THEY ABANDONED YOU TOMMY,THEY DIDN'T COME TO YOUR PARTY, I DID, THEY HAVE NEVER VISITED, I DID, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU, IM THE ONLY ONE WHO CARES ABOUT YOU TOMMY, THE ONLY ONE WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOUR PATHETIC LIFE TOMMY, I....*Sigh* sorry about that, have you ever exploded like that tommy? It just feels so good."

Tommy stood frozen in his place, shocked by dream's harsh words, why was he being so mean right now? he felt the same feeling of betrayal and guilt as when he ... was exiled.

"Sorry I'm getting out of the topic, I've found a really simple way of getting rid of my problems, specifically you and also get what I want, god I feel stupid for not thinking about this before" Dream explained calmly, but tommy was far from that, he was already shaking, and fear just piled up more and more.

"D-dream?" tommy asked nervously "What are you going to do with me?" Tommy was worried, did dream wanted to kill him? Maybe he finally gave up on him.

"Easy Tommy" Dream grinned under his mask "I'm going to reset you, I'm gonna make you forget everything, apparently it isn't difficult for what I've seen all it takes it's just aspell, just like that..." Dream walked towards tommy "imagine the possibilities, Tommy! We could start from zero, we can finally be friends!"

Tommy froze completely at dream's words, did he just said what he said? Get rid of his memory and reset him like if he was a freaking object? No... NO! he couldn't allow that there were still a lot of things he wanted to do, he didn't want to forget his friends, he didn't want to forget Tubbo.

"W-what? NO!" Tommy exclaimed but he didn't sound angry "Dream P-please I don't want to forget everything; I don't want to be like ghostbur!" tears started to fill Tommy's eyes as his voice sounded noticeable scared.

"Well, it's not like I'm asking you Tommy." Dream stated with a serious tone of voice, the tone that sent shivers down his spine while he felt a deep fear that he was not going to express directly, since he wasn't going to let dream see that side of him now... especially now.

"D-dream... c-c'mon man let's talk about this p-please, I'm pretty sure we can-" Tommy was suddenly cut off " Sorry Tommy, I've already took a decision... *sigh* this could've been a lot more easier if I shut my fucking mouth but I guess I wanted to see your reaction" dream said the last part with relaxed voice, like what he's talking about wasn't serious, BUT IT WAS, he was talking about such an atrocity like if it was nothing too important.

Tommy didn't know what to do, he only looked at Dream with teary and wide eyes while he stepped backwards, then a single thought passed through his head


And so he did, he quickly turned and rushed towards the near forest, running was the only thing he could think right now, run and don't stop running.... But it wasn't enough, with a fast move Dream hold him tightly from his wrist and with a simple maneuver he stormed him into the ground.

Tommy really tried to escape from Dream's firm hold, so he kicked tommy directly into his abdominal zone which drain the air from his body and his forces alongside. "Tommy, Tommy" Dream sounded disappointed, Tommy couldn't care less about dream's tone of voice right now but it still paralyzed him, he knew that nothing good was about to happen. "what have I said about running?" Tommy started to cry silently in the ground. "I-I'm sorry D-Dream, sorry, sorry, p-please" Tommy's voice was numb and weak, Dream sighted. "The things you make me do".

Dream forced Tommy into the ground again then he went to grab something in a near chest he had placed before; Tommy wanted to escape but he was too weak and even if he managed to get up and run, dream would probably catch him again and do way something way worse than hit him, so he just stayed in the ground and watched how Dream was looking up for something in the chest.

Suddenly a metallic noise could be heard in the place, he had found it...

Dream got back to his feet holding a chain, no, not just a chain, it seemed to have a.... collar.

"D-dream?" Tommy just looked at him, he wouldn't do that...right? "Stay still Tommy, if you resist I'm not going to be careful, understand?" Tommy couldn't answer he was still shocked when he finally reacted Dream was dangerously near. "No, please Drea-" late, Dream had already put the heavy collar around Tommy's neck and started to lock it.

When he finished Dream stepped up again, grinning under his mask as Tommy vainly tried to took off the collar, he was so annoying but he got his own charm.

Tommy put his hands over the collar desperately trying to take it off, it was heavy as hell, it was also uncomfortable but specially humiliating.... When did he became such a weak guy? .... Dream was right everyone had abandoned him, and it was his fault, maybe if he was a better person he wouldn't be here, he looked at Dream with teary eyes.

"Get up" Dream forcefully made Tommy get back to his feet, he meets his eyes with Tommy's, all the life that his eyes once let see now was gone they were dull instead of the bright blue that they shone, he was crying, Dream couldn't help but to smile under his mask, Tommy was with no doubt funny but he could also be a nice puppet.

"We're leaving" Dream stated as he begins to pull Tommy with him "What? Wait, Dream!" Tommy was cut off by a sudden pull on the chain, he found himself forced to walk so he wasn't just dragged on by Dream. They were heading towards logstedshire when Dream stopped a few blocks away, "Stay here" Dream attached the chain to a near fence that he had just placed, Tommy tried to protest but he better kept it for himself, Dream entered Logstedshire and.... no, no, NO! he started placing TNT all around the place "DREAM!" Tommy called for him but Dream didn't even bother to look at him "DREAM PLEASE STOP, YOU Don't have to do this" his voice fell at the end as he started to cry and beg "DREAM!" Dream took out a lighter, "p-please" he set off the TNT "NO! PLEASE DON-"

The explosion was strong enough to make tommy's ears ring, when his vision cleared he could only watch horrorized the rests of his exile home. He started crying where Dream had left him, it had happened again his house get blew up, but this time forever.

He suddenly felt a hand over his shoulder, he looked up just to meet dream's uncovered eyes...

"Let's go, Tommy."


Here you go, I hope you enjoy your EXTRA-LARGE EPISODE. Sorry for the long wait anyone that still follows this, I really wanted to do something different and oh boy, this thing is huge.

I was also thinking about the direction of the story but now I think I've already got a general idea.

Also, THANK YOU FOR THE 120 READS! This thing is getting bigger day by day, I'm also considering remaster some of the previous chapters and posting this on Ao3 since I just got an account.

Soo have a nice day everybody I'll see you soon (I hope).

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