Farewell, TommyInnit.

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And so, they walked.

Tommy couldn't count how much time they have spent walking, but it had to be at least one day of almost non-stop walking, only resting once to eat... well if that could be called eating. it's not like tommy had been eating a lot since the start of the exile. He mostly ate from the food that Dream had gave him from time to time and the little meat that he managed to get.

He still couldn't believe that dream was going to do that to him. All that time they've spent together, didn't matter? Tommy really started considering Dream a friend, a close one. He was the only one that was there during his exile, nobody else cared enough to visit him during his ordeal.

Then why do this? Does Dream really hates him that much?

Maybe he, in fact, deserves this. He never was an especially likeable person; he was annoying and loud, but he tried his best to please Dream. Apparently, that wasn't enough, he was never able to make people happy, he just made things awkward.

Disappear from the face of earth would be the best thing that could happen to everyone on the S.M.P.

But deep in the inside he still clung to the hope, hope of seeing his family again, to see L,manberg again, to talk to Tubbo again and fill him with apologies for being so selfish and unpolite towards him. Tubbo was right, the discs didn't matter at all; he hasn't thought about them for a while and he couldn't care less for them right now. Not when he was about to practically die.

At certain point they reached the sea and Dream forced into a boat with him and they departed


They have arrived

It wasn't what tommy was expecting. They were on the hill of a mountain far away from the civilization

"Follow me tommy" Dream talked for the first time since they departed, he had that calmed tone of voice again, God he hated that.

Dream headed to the mountain side. Nothing seemed off, it was just a normal mountain at least for Tommy. Dream took out his pickaxe and he easily started breaking the stone, too easy.

The thin layer fell apart revealing a secret base.

It wasn't much to be honest the interior just contained the basics of a house; just one bed, crafting table, furnaces, brewing stands, only a bunch of chests and two armor stands, one with a full enchanted netherite set, caught his attention.

But that wasn't all, there was a strange looking platform that itself seemed to serve no purpose other than decoration or some sort of shit that Tommy wasn't interested.

"If you're wondering, that is an elevator, but the underground zone is not finished yet" Dream explained but that only bring Tommy more questions than actual answers; which kind of elevator was that? Why is it so ugly? Underground zone? So, this isn't the actual base? Tommy's head started aching.

"Come here Tommy" Dream made tommy step on the elevator just for it to start going down.

Tommy was amazed by the view that was slowly revealed to him, it was a wide area underground that was almost covered entirely by polished Blackstone but as dream said, it wasn't finished 100%, there were a lot of empty zones. They reached the bottom.

Tommy's train of thought was abruptly cut, Dream was dragging him somewhere else. Tommy was scared to say the less, he didn't want to be like a fucking ghost (no offense to ghostbur), he had a lot of nice memories with his friends, and not so nice ones. Dream surely couldn't take that away with a simple spell... right?

Dream pulled him stronger this time, the collar was starting to hurt him. It was so humiliating, like if he were an object that he could use whenever he wanted. Wasn't he already?

They reached a library. It wasn't as big as the stronghold ones but it had a fair amount of bookshelves. Tommy analyzed the place, it was a mess; some books were on the floor and other ones were poorly organized, it was obvious that someone had been reading a lot and that someone was Dream.

Talking of which, he finally stopped and along him tommy.

Dream turned to him and started taking off the collar, finally. Meanwhile Tommy tried to keep his mind clear, trying to convince himself that he was gonna be okay and this crazy experiment for dream was going to fail... Hopefully.

When Dream finally took the collar off and he could feel like he was actually free for a moment.

He was reminded that he wasn't when Dream forcefully made him sit. He looked up at the sight in front of him. It seemed like it was some sort of ritual shit or something like that; with candles, a bunch of books and everything above a red carpet.

Dream headed to the other side of the carpet, so he was in front of Tommy. He picked up one of the books, it was purple and had some weird language in its cover.

"So if this works I won't have to worry about you anymore... goodbye Tommy, I must admit we had some fun with the discs and L,manberg... I would say I'll miss you but I probably won't" Tommy wished Dream was joking. He wasn't

Dream opened it and started READING.

Tommy couldn't understand any of the words that Dream was spitting.

He suddenly felt cold, his whole body was getting numb. It might sound crazy but he could swear that he saw how some green magic started surrounding his body.

His vision was blurry, he felt strange... he felt like he was dying.

Was this how it ended? Maybe. He saw his life pass by his eyes but there were a few things that sticked with him. One of them was L'manberg, he felt a wave of nostalgia hit him as he remembered the early days of the country, how him and Wilbur were as brothers before he gave into madness and died by the hands of his father. him and Tubbo bonding together, sitting at the bench watching the sunset and listening to the discs while they talked. He was so happy and he didn't knew it, these last month had been a torture. The loneliness was too much to bear, maybe he truly wanted to die... it didn't matter anymore he was about to be gone.

In the very last he could hear dream's voice one last time

"Farewell, TommyInnit"


*comes out of the coffin* sooo here you are.... sorry for taking almost a month i guess i got kinda lazy since vacations already started and I lost inspiration halfway this chapter but I'm B-A-C-K.

I'll be also posting a one shot or a short story soon. it will be about ghostinnit.

so without anything more to say i'm going back to my coffin.

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