Chapter 7

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"Don't worry Mom. I'm totally fine here. Besides, I think I am adapting well with the environment here, so much cool stuff in this place."  I reassured my mom, who's been calling me numerous times since I landed here last week.

It's 9:21 in the morning, and I'm here at the nearest Starbucks from my university. I still have 2 hours spare time before my schedule so I decided to drop by and get myself some coffee.

   "I know that, but I am just checking you up, making sure you don't do silly things there." she said making her excuse, she knows that with her two daughters, I am definitely not the one who would do that. I smiled at the thought that she's getting clingy now, but trying hard to not make it obvious. She's not that much affectionate through words but her actions speak enough.

   And realizing that she made time to call me, when it's still dawn in Korea, made me feel so much loved and warm.

   I was heading toward the cashier when I remembered something. "Mom, what happened again at Unnie? Is something wrong with her?" I asked worriedly, recalling her messages earlier, wasn't able to pick up her calls because of time differences between Spain and Korea. She's literally calling me at 3am in the morning, but when failed to get answer from me, she flooded me with sad emojis.

  I heard my mother sighed heavily on the other line. "Her boyfriend again. She doesn't listen to me anymore, and I am getting tired of saying the same things to her. Talk to your Unnie."

"You know she gets more frustrated with me when I give her advice right?" I sighed recalling the annoyance of my sister every time I gave her advice, irritated at the thought of it should be the other way around, and that results her calling me a grandma.

"She should be. She kept on acting like she's your younger sister."

I laughed at my mother's sarcastic comment.

"Fine, I'll just listen to her whine. I gotta go, Mom. Don't miss me too much, okay?" I said teasing her, and the next thing I heard is her dropping the line. She hates it when we tease her.

"Buenos Dias!" I greeted the cashier and she happily greeted back as she waits for my order.

I ordered my usual iced americano, but this time a trenta one as I think it will be much needed for today.

  Taking a 5 euros from my wallet, I was about to hand the cash at the barrista in front of me when another pair of cash was presented to her, making her confused at the sudden gesture from the stranger in front of her,beside me.

   I had the urge to look at him but him clearing his throat, that sound alone, enough for me to distinguish who is that from.

    "Please- uhm make it two and also this... and this .." he said with a little stutter, obviously English is not his first language, with his full attention on the pastries in front of us.

   "Soo Hyun-ssi?" I said, getting his attention, confused on why the hell is he here, out of all countries, out of all cities in Spain, and out of all starbucks cafe in Madrid.
     He was busy with communicating with the barrista about our order, the only thing he did was to look at my confused self and smiled at me, like he was never surprised with my presence at all.

    Is it really a normal thing to bumped into someone you worked with in a foreign country? Maybe for him, yes? His world is too big. Why am I even questioning it.

      After paying for the total amount, the barrista told us to just wait for our number to be called and just sit first as we wait. Me still being astound with his presence, just watched him get  the receipt and unsubconsciously followed him to the table near the glass window with the view of busy streets in Madrid.

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