Chapter 1

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I inhaled and soaked in the last bit of safety in my mom's new car and got out. I looked around at my surroundings: there was a big sign saying Chestwood High School on the school's lawn, there were a lot of kids flooding into the school that was twice the size of my old middle school.
My mom interrupted my thoughts. "Honey, have a good day at school. I will pick you up here at 2:45, okay?"
"Okay mom. See you later." I started to walk farther away from the car and towards the big school that I will be going to for the next 4 years.
"Oh and sweetie," I heard my mom call. I turned around. "Make some friends. I love you."
"I love you too. See you later mom." And with that I continued my journey up to the school that I will never fit in at in a million years.
The second I walked in I was bombarded by chaos and craziness. As I made my way to the office I was bumped into several times and tripped twice.
When I walked into the office it was so quiet compared to the chaotic hallways. There was a pretty lady, who seemed to be in her mid-30s, sitting at the front desk busy doing something on the computer and there was a hint of classical music playing in the background.
The lady raised her head from her computer and smiled. "Hi." I said to the lady, "I am Claire Winset, this is my first day. I am actually here for my schedule."
"Oh of course," The lady said, "let me get that for you." She stood up and walked into the other room.
I looked around in the far corner there was a little table with a vase of fake red roses and two chairs. On the wall over the table there was a framed quote from Albert Einstein:

"We cannot solve our problems with the
same thinking we used to create them."

I thought about that for a second before the lady came back with a folder in her hand.
"Okay here it is." She opened the folder, "This has 3 copies of your schedule, just incase you lose one, your locker number, and all of your teachers, also a school map." She handed me the folder.
I smiled, "Thank you."
"Glad I could help. My name is Ms. Valters; if you need anything I am always here. Any questions before your first day?" Ms. Valters asked kindly.
"One question actually," I said. "It says my first class is Algebra 1 with Mr. Danner. Where is that?"
"Well, when you step out of the office you turn left and walk until the end of the hallway turn right, then turn right again and it's the first door on the left."
I think I heard her correctly, I am not sure though because a group of loud teenagers came into the quiet office.
I nodded, "Thank you" and I walked out of the office.
Ok, she said to turn left when I stepped out of the office, right? Yeah, I think so. Then at the end of the hallway I turn right. Now where do I go? I couldn't really hear her because those loud kids walked in. I think she said left or was it right? No I think it was left. I'll take my chances and go left, there is a 50 percent chance that I am going the right way and then there is a 50 percent chance that I'm going the wrong way. Whatever, I am going left. I looked around for a door on the left but there wasn't one, only an ongoing row of lockers. I kept walking until I hit the end of the hallway, I turned left again. Maybe there was another turn I couldn't hear, it was a dead end. I turned around and tried to find my way back the way I came, but instead I think I got more lost.
I finally gave up and banged my head up against one of the lockers. I checked my phone and saw that it was 7:28. Great I have 2 minutes to get to class or I'll be late. I didn't even realize that somebody walked up to me because I was on my phone.
"Wow!" A male voice said. "Somebody looks really defeated and upset."
I looked up there was a tall boy looking down at me with a mixture of blue and green eyes. He has a neat haircut that was dirty blonde. He was ҤØŦ!!!
I blushed, fixed my hair, and looked down. "Uh yeah," I said softly. "I am new and I lost my way to my first class, that I will be late for if I don't get there in 2 minutes."
"Oh...that sucks. Well which class do you have? I can bring you if you want."
"Really? That would be great," I said in a happier mood already. "I have Algebra 1 with Mr. Danner."
"So do I. Here come on, I'll bring you," he said starting to walk, expecting me to follow him. He looked back at me, "I am Zayn, by the way. What's your name?"
"Claire," I said, as I caught up to Zayn.
"Claire, that's a pretty name," Zayn said, and which made me blush. "Pretty name for a pretty girl." I blushed uncontrollably.
I smiled, "Thanks."
We approached the area where I determined whether to got left or right and I decided to go left. Zayn turned right. Of course, I should've gone right, I have to remember right instead of left. Hey, there was a door on the left after all.
Zayn opened the door and said, "After you."
I smiled and walked in. Everybody was already in class except for Zayn and I. The teacher, Mr. Danner, was in the middle of talking and he stopped when we walked in and everyone starred at us. My smile disappeared quickly.
I immediately started talking, "I am Claire, I am new. I am so sorry I couldn't find-"
Mr. Danner cut me off, "Oh of course, you are Claire Winset. It is very nice to meet you and it is no problem that you are late. Please, don't make it a habit though. But as for you Zayn Daniels, there is no reason for you to be late."
"Oh, excuse me Mr. Danner, Zayn was helping me get to class because I got lost." I heard a couple of snickers from the class.
"I see. Well then nice work Zayn, it was very nice to escort Claire to class."
Zayn starred at me and smiled, I felt like I might melt. "It was my pleasure."
Mr. Danner interrupted the moment and said, "Ok Zayn take your seat. And Claire you can seat next to Rebecca. Rebecca raise your hand."
A girl with long blonde hair and radiant icy blue eyes raised her hand with a big smile on her face. She sat in the middle of the classroom closer to the back than the front though.
"Is that fine, Claire?" Mr. Danner asked.
"Yes, it is perfect. Thank you," I said.
While walking to my seat next to Rebecca I saw a girl with long wavy mermaid brown hair give me the death stare. The girl sat behind what is going to be my new seat. Great, I have an enemy and I haven't even been in class for 10 minutes.
I sat down in my seat, before I could even introduce myself Rebecca started to talk.
"Hi," she said. "I am Rebecca Brown, you can call me Becca if you want."
I smiled, "Hey, Becca. I'm Claire."
I looked around and noticed that Zayn sits right in front of me.
He turned around. "Be prepared to die of boredom, you can take a nap like me if you want since you are closer to the back," he smiled and winked.
I blushed, let out a silent laugh, and nodded. I could hear the girl behind me, that gave me the death stare, give out a quiet growl.
"Looks like Zayn, the football ҤØŦŦłE, has a thing for you," Rebecca whispered, smiling at me and raising her eyebrows twice.
I smiled, I could tell that we were going to be best friends. Ok so I have two people who have been nice to me: a pretty girl named Rebecca (Becca) and a ҤØŦ guy named Zayn; and one enemy: the girl that gave me the death stare and growled at me.
Ok pretty good start...I guess. I smiled at myself at tried to pay attention to Mr. Danner talking about Algebra 1.

Hey, everyone. My name is Nina and this is my first time writing a story on Wattpad. So tell me if you like it or not... Thanks❤️
P.S. These are just characters that I created and the names don't match anyone in real life. I just wanted to tell you guys that just incase💋

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