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A/n: Above this is Sahari
Sahari's POV
I wake up from a peaceful dream to my alarm harassing my sleep. After turning it off I turn to the other side of my bed and fall back asleep.

"Sahari Giselle get ya ass up you heard that damn alarm go off 30 minutes ago!" My mom yelled. Usually she is more nicer than this but she doesn't play when it comes to school.

I catch an attitude and shake/roll around the bed while I groan.

"You think I'm playing Giselle catch another attitude!" My mom said while slapping the belt across my upper thigh.

Just for not waking up on time. "Get dressed then meet me downstairs for breakfast." After getting dressed I put on black ripped jeans with a black Boys in the hood shirt.

I walk down the steps to see my big brother Ariyon, my little sister Zaire, and my baby sister A'zori on my mother's lap all eating the food that Dad had made. Cause everybody knows that Mom can not cook to save her life.

I walk to my Dad who was near the stove fixing my plate. "Good morning Gissy" My dad said by calling me by my childhood nickname Idk why he calls me that but it's stuck on.

"Good morning Daddy" I replied. Dad hands me a plate with 3 stacked pancakes with bananas and strawberries on the top.

He made sure to add the whipped cream with bacon and cheesy eggs on the side. Lastly, to top it off with a Cinnabon and a glass of Water.

I finished that plate within 5 minutes, I was hungry! "Rd Ariyon and Sahari are riding with me and while Zaire rides with Chris am I right?" My mom asked making it clear who we was riding with.

"Mommy I go with you?" Zori asked Mom because she forgot to include her name. "Yes baby you ride with mommy." My said answering Zori's question.

"Rd, the children riding with me let's go!" My mom yelled while picking A'zori up. She pecked Dads lips and kissed Zaire's forehead.

"Yo, Sahari I bet you $5 that I can get to the front seat of Moms car before you." Ari yelled.

"Challenge accepted but I bet you $20 that I'll beat you to the front seat. But you also have to do my chores for a month." I retaliated. We shake hands and counted to 3.

Me and Ari started running he was ahead of me til he looked back at me. Then a couple seconds later this nigga tripped over his skateboard. I laughed at him still running.

"Ha ha I won" I said as I continued laughing at him. "Man that's not fair I tripped!" Ari yelled.
Clearly mad that he not only lost $20 but also having to do my chores for a month.

"Hand over the 20, you should've put the skateboard away when Daddy told you too!" I said while sticking my hand out like the gross sisters off of proud family.

When he gave me the 20, Mommy came outside with A'zori on her hip. Ari got in the backseat and me in the passenger seat.

Mom had buckled Zori in her car seat, then got in the front seat. When she pulled off I debated on asking her if I could stay at Maze's house house this weekend.

"Mommy?" I asked "What Sahari? I know you want something." She said while playfully rolling her eyes.

"Can I go to Mazes house this weekend pretty plz?" I asked while flashing the puppy eyes.

"You acting just like Zori, but yes you can go. Am I picking Maze up?" Mommy asked knowing we are inseparable.

"No, her mom dropped her off earlier." I informed her. "Alright, have a good day. Your Father is picking y'all up after school." My mom yelled out the window.

I walk to first block which is Mr.Raymond's class. I walk in the room and sit next to my bestie Maze.

"Alright class turn to page 23 of The House On Mango Street" Mr.Raymond told the class. I mentally groaned but I love this book anyways.

Beyoncé's POV
After I dropped of my oldest kids. I am taking A'zori to see my Mother since she has been bugging me to see her granddaughter.

"Bubba do you want to see Nana?" I asked Zori looking through the rear view mirror.

"Yes mommy I see Nana?" She asked. "Yeah bubba we going to see Nana." I told her while she watches Lion King on her iPad.

"Mommy I see Titan too?" She asks so innocently. "Yeah baby we gonna see Titan." I smiled.

She started singing Timon and Pumbas Hula song. We ended up singing together. After the song we arrived at my Mothers house.

I turned the car off and grabbed the diaper bag with Zori's pull ups, Sippy cup, and extra clothes just in case. I grabbed my purse and took A'zori out of her seat making sure to grab her iPad too.

"We're here" I yelled inside My Mothers big ass house. "Stop yelling in my damn house Giselle!" My mom yelled back sternly.

I put Zori down and she ran straight to Kelly giving her kisses. My mom walked down the steps "Is that my favorite grand baby?" She said while Zori started looking for her.

"NANA I MISSED YOU!" A'zori screamed. I gasped "How come she gets to yell but I can't?" I asked while pouting.

"Girl shut the hell up acting like Zori and Titans age"my mom said while popped me. "Anyways Kelly, Chelle, and Solo what are we doing today?" I asked the girls. I remembered I had to text Chris to remind him about getting the kids from school.

"We should go get medi pedi's!" Michelle stated. "Then afterwards go shopping." Solo said. "After all that shit a bitch gon be hungry so we should go to monte grillos." Kelly stated and everyone agreed.

"Ok I'm gonna call Julius and tell him to meet us at the Salon." I told the girls he said he'll be there in the next 30 minutes.

Chris POV
When Me and Zaire left the house we started talking about her grades and basketball. Ari and Zy are definitely my mini me's they both look and act like me.

While Sahari and Zori look and act just like Bey. "Daddy if I win tonight's game can we get ice cream?" Zy asked with puppy eyes.

"Yes Zy you can get ice cream only if you win." I told Zaire. I love my family yo and I would do anything for them.

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