𝙭𝙭𝙫𝙞. late-night serenade

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        They're hurtling through the night, Steve's jaw is clenched in determination as he presses down on the gas pedal.  Robin, in the back seat, continues to clutch the radio to her chest.  Abby drums her fingers on the dashboard as the anxiety builds up.  She can't help but fear the worst.  What if the only thing that they find when they arrive at the mall is death and destruction?  More bodies to add to the wave of Russians that had scattered the floor of the food court.

She holds her breath as the mall comes hurtling into view.  Steve does not slow down as he turns violently into the parking lot.  He does not slow down as he assesses the situation before them; two cars, one parked horizontally against the curb, the other hurtling toward it at a high speed; one figure standing outside of the car; several loud reverberating gunshots.  Despite the bullets that ricochet off the metal and crack the glass window, the car continues to hurtle toward the figure, growing closer and closer and closer until suddenly, tires squealing and the world twisting and turning and blurring around them, they collide with the blue Camaro.

"Holy shit," Abby breathes as she grabs onto the door of the car.  She takes a few deep breaths as the world comes back into focus.

"You okay?" Steve asks.

"I think I'm gonna puke."

Her eyes land on the fire that has roared to life in the window of the dented blue Camaro.  Just past the orange flames that lick the window, and through the several cracks in the glass, Abby can see a figure unconscious.  She knows that this figure belongs to Billy, she can recognize his car anywhere.  He's slumped in the seat, his limp hands still clutch the steering wheel that his head slumps against.  He's the pawn of the Mind Flayer, just another puppet that the Mind Flayer has managed to grasp by his marionette strings.  Abby only hopes that he's been subdued long enough for them to escape.

A loud screeching fills the air and Robin lets out a small gasp.  Slowly, in unison, the three rise from their seats to stare at the giant creature that stands on its tendrils of legs on the roof of the mall.  It reeks of death and rot, of fury and scorn as it rises far above them.  From there, she can see its fury, the complete wrath that consumes it as it stares down first at the first car, loaded with its passengers, then to Billy's car, immobile and burning, and finally on their car.

"Holy shit!" Robin exclaims.

They continue to stare up at the Mind Flayer in pure horror, their limbs are frozen, their lips are parted.  Maybe, if they stay still enough, the monster won't notice them.  The loud sound of a horn honking accompanied by the squealing of tires against asphalt breaks them from their horrified trance.

✓ Adventures In Babysitting / Steve Harrington ¹Where stories live. Discover now