Twenty-Eight | Board Meeting.

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The very last thing that you had ever expected to be waking up to this morning was the sound of your phone pinging and buzzing sporadically on your nightstand. You must have forgotten to put your phone on Do Not Disturb before you fell asleep last night. Confused yet intrigued, you glanced over at the vibrating rectangular product of capitalism and exploitation, and your eyes immediately widened in complete and utter surprise when you saw the notifications from the Port Mafia group chat flooding your screen.

They all seemed to be complaining about a board meeting taking place today hosted by Mori that apparently, every main member of the Port Mafia was required to attend. This rarely ever happened unless there was something serious going on. Well technically, there was always something serious going on when it came to the Port Mafia and their notorious underground antics—antics that would leave anyone trembling with fear if they found out what truly went on behind the scenes.

When you entered the meeting room—you were pleasantly surprised to see that everyone was already sitting around an elongated table; the boss sitting at the very head of the table, of course, with his little blonde apprentice situated in the comfort of his lap. Laid out on the table was a box of donuts; a combination of a few glazed, a few with pink icing and rainbow sprinkles, and a few plain chocolate ones with darker trails of icing drizzling the top, forming intricate designs. Your mouth watered; the delicious novelties practically calling out your name and tempting you to indulge in these holed pieces of heaven.

There was an empty seat directly next to Gin—and upon your arrival, she instinctively pulled out the chair for you. You gave her a small smile that told her thank you without needing to form any physical words and took your seat. As you sat down, the first thing that you had noticed was that Chuuya was sitting right opposite you. How practical. Your lips suddenly formed into a sly smile when you remembered the uproarious events of last night where you got to meet Chuuya's little friend.

What ended up happening straight after Chuuya had inherently threatened to murder you was absolutely hilarious. You thought he was going to lunge at you, but he didn't, because his little friend was technically the one holding him back. You enjoyed making him suffer by teasing the hell out of him, but that only lasted for a few minutes before you finally decided that Chuuya had suffered enough. That was when you left the kitchen and headed straight to your bedroom; satisfied with the knowledge that Chuuya was most likely still suffering at that precise moment in time.

And he was.

You weren't too sure how exactly he managed to handle his little problem that you had purposefully provoked, but you had a few ideas running through your mind regarding what went down as soon as he returned to the comfort of his bedroom. He probably got a little...handsy.

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