Forty-Three | Car Chase.

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the playlist above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)

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A/N - I highly recommend that you press play on the playlist above and let it run throughout this chapter! ;)


"WOOHOO!" You exclaimed excitedly as Chuuya had made a harsh left turn so that the car had skidded on the asphalt—bringing the two of you to another public street in Yokohama, one that was a lot busier in comparison to the others—which was both bad and good.

Bad—because you could have easily gotten stuck in traffic again, and judging by the fact that you had both just about managed to make a narrow escape before the bullets had destroyed the rear of his exorbitantly expensive car, getting stuck in traffic was not your best bet—and good, on the contrary, because there was a slight possibility that you could have been able to lose the pursuers in the midst of this hectic ass traffic, although that was very unlikely with how persistent they were.

You felt wild this early in the morning—you felt like you were the main character in a dramatic action movie; the feeling of the exploratory, the unknown, sending a premonitory chill down your spine in the most exciting, most rip-roaring way possible, even though Chuuya was the one who was currently doing all the hard work whilst you had just sat in the front passenger seat and looked pretty, throwing your hands up in the air as if you were on a rollercoaster ride, allowing the wind to ruffle your [H/L] [H/C] hair with the radio blasting in the background at full volume.

Horns sounded behind him, creating their own background track as he was speeding up and twisting through all the cars, swerving from side to side, his gloved fingers wrapped around the steering wheel so tight that even though you couldn't physically see his hands in all their glory, you knew that his knuckles had probably turned as white as a blank sheet of paper from the blood flow by now.

You laughed uproariously as you felt your body flood with adrenaline and power; surging with riveting electricity.

Asking you to sit still and be quiet was like trying to tell a fire not to burn. Your eyes were alight, your every muscle needing to move, to dance to the music, to jump whenever he had driven over a speed bump as the car had hurtled down the busy road trying to get away from the unabated pursuers. Chuuya, despite his irritated countenance, was loving this a lot more than he had led on. He loved the thrill, he loved the sheer anticipation of the unknown pumping through his veins as he turned a sharp corner and sped down a desolate side road; the tyres skidding and hissing along the asphalt.

"You're enjoying this way too much," a corner of Chuuya's mouth curled up. It was a gesture in miniature, barely noticeable, but it was very, very telling. You were just as entertaining as this entire situation at hand was, and he found himself luxuriating in the cacophony of your mirthful laughter that had sounded like music to his ears. "Crazy bitch."

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